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ICNAF - Special Publications

These publications were issued at irregular intervals and contain the results of special ICNAF projects and contributions to symposia and special meetings, some of which were sponsored jointly by ICNAF, ICES and FAO. All were published by ICNAF, except No.2, entitled "Proceedings of the Joint Scientific Meeting of ICNAF, ICES and FAO on Fishing Effort, the Effect of Fishing on the Resources, and the Selectivity of Fishing Gear-Reports", which was printed by FAO. The contributed papers to that meeting on the selectivity of fishing gear were subsequently published as Special Publication No.5.

Number 7 of this series, containing the results of the ICNAF Environmental Surveys carried out in 1963, was issued in 4 parts, namely Text, Atlas, Oceanographic Data Record (3 volumes), and Biological Data Record. Number 11 in the series, issued in 1975, is entitled "Index and List of Titles, ICNAF Publications, 1950-1974". This issue was subsequently revised and updated to cover the period from 1950 to 1979. Volume 11 (Revised) represents the termination of the Special Publication series insofar as ICNAF is concerned.


Special Publication No. 7 (Issued 1969-1971)

Environmental Surveys - NORWESTLANT 1-3, 1963

Special Publication No. 7

(Issued 1969-1971)

This volume is rather large and has been broken down into sections. Use links below

Environmental Surveys - NORWESTLANT 1-3, 1963

Part I. Text

(Issued July 1969)

LUCAS. C.E. Introduction to NORWESTLANT surveys, 1963
LONCAREVIC. B. D. and K. S. MANCHESTER Bottom topography of the Northwest Atlantic
GRUENWALD, G. Meteorological conditions during NORWESTLANT 1-3
VALEUR, H. H. Ice conditions in Greenland waters during January-July 1963
LEE, A. J. NORWESTLANT Surveys: physical oceanography
HERMANN. F. Vertical water movements in the polar front along West Greenland
JONES, P. G. W., and A. R. FOLKARD The distribution of phosphate, silicate and dissolved oxygen in the 0-100 m layer during NORWESTLANT 1-3
GILLBRICHT, M. Ammonia and organic carbon during NORWESTLANT 2
GILLBRICHT, M. The phytoplankton during NORWESTLANT 1-3
STEELE, J. H. Chlorophyll a distributions
FEDOSOV, M. V. and I. A. ERMACHENKO On primary production in the Northwest Atlantic
ROBINSON, G. A. Continuous Plankton Records during NORWESTLANT Surveys, 1963 - phytoplankton
BERGE, G. Norwegian particle distribution studies
BAINBRIDGE, V. and J. CORLETT The zooplankton of the NORWESTLANT Surveys
GLOVER, R. S., and G. A. ROBINSON. Continuous Plankton Records during the NORWESTLANT Surveys, 1963 - zooplankton
HANSEN, P. M. Report on cod eggs and larvae
POSTOLAKY. A. I. The life-cycle pattern of Labrador cod, Gadus morhua L., in ICNAF Subarea 2
MAGNUSSON, J. Report on redfish larvae, Sebastes marinus L.
HENDERSON, G. T. D. Continuous Plankton Records during the NORWESTLANT Surveys, 1963 - Young redfish
MAGNUSSON, J. Report on capelin larvae, Mallotus villosus (MUller)
SMIDT, E. Report on Greenland halibut and halibut eggs and larvae
WELLS. R. Report on American plaice eggs and larvae
HANSEN, P. M. Report on wolffish larvae in West Greenland waters
BAINBRIDGE. V. and B. J. McKAY. The feeding of cod and redfish larvae
KONSTANTINOV, K. G. Some information on adult fishes taken during NORWESTLANT 1-3, 1963
JONES. D. H. Sightings of marine mammals
LEE, A. J. Coordinator's summary of NORWESTLANT Surveys, 1963
HORSTED, Sv. Aa. Some notes on the estimated strength of the 1963 cod year-class in
Greenland waters


Part II. Atlas
(issued July 1969) (5386 kb)

Bottom topography - Chart 1
Meteorology - Charts 2-14
Ice - Charts 15-30
Physical oceanography - Charts 31-155
Chemical oceanography - Charts 156-178
Phytoplankton - Charts 179-191
Zooplankton - Charts 192-231
Cod eggs and larvae - Charts 232-236
Redfish larvae - Charts 237-243
Eggs and larvae of other fish - Charts 244-268
Sightings of marine mammals - Charts 269-271


Part III.Oceanographic Data Record

(issued February 1970)

Vol. 1 - NORWESTLANT 1 (4310 kb)
The intercalibration of the gear and methods used during NORWESTLANT 1-3
Description of machine generated data record
France - Thalassa - Strait of Denmark and Irminger Sea
Norway - G. O. Sars - West Greenland waters
United Kingdom - Ernest Holt - Irminger Sea
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Academician Knipovich and Topseda - Atlantic Ocean and Davis Strait
Support data


Vol. 2 - NORWESTLANT 2 (5058 kb)
The intercalibration of the gear and methods used during NORWESTLANT 1-3
Description of machine generated data record
France - Thalassa - Strait of Denmark and Irminger Sea
Norway - G. O. Sars - West Greenland waters
United Kingdom - Ernest Holt - Irminger Sea
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Academician Knipovich and Topseda - Atlantic Ocean and Davis Strait
Support data


Vol. 3 - NORWESTLANT3 (4081 kb)
Description of machine generated data record
United Kingdom Ernest Holt and Explorer - Irminger Sea and Denmark Strait
Denmark - Dana - West Greenland waters and Irminger Sea
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Academician Knipovich Atlantic Ocean and Davis Strait
Support data


PART IV. Biologcal Data Record (5171 kb)

Station Lists
Fish eggs and larvae
Marine Mammals

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
