Following its single publication of the Annual Meeting Report in 1951, ICNAF evolved a set of publications to report its work.

In 1953, the Commission's annual publication was divided in two series: Annual Proceedings (Administrative Report, Report of the Annual Meeting, Research Summaries by member countries) and Statistical Bulletin* (statistics of annual catch and effort for the fisheries in the ICNAF Area). This series continued until it was replaced in 1973 by the Annual Report series. In 1972, a new series of Meeting Proceedings of individual meetings was introduced. Between 1963 and 1971 mimeographed reports were compiled into a single volume per year of Meeting Proceedings.
In 1958, ICNAF began publishing the reports and proceedings of STACRES in a red-covered publication which, beginning in 1962, was entitled Redbook. The Special Publication series was also initiated in 1958 for the purpose of publishing, at irregular intervals, the results of special ICNAF projects and contributions to Symposia and Special Meetings. The Sampling Yearbook* series was also begun in 1958 as a means of providing scientists and others involved in the work of the Commission with an annual record of the sampling carried out each year by member countries to determine length and age compositions of commercial catches of principal species required for stock assessment purposes.
Beginning in 1964, ICNAF established a primary, peer-reviewed, scientific journal entitled Research Bulletin for publishing the results of individual research relevant to the ICNAF area. In 1976, a secondary publication entitled Selected Papers was established by STACRES as a means to publish noteworthy research documents presented to ICNAF scientific meetings which were not of the standard required for publication in the Research Bulletin.
ICNAF also produced miscellaneous publications at irregular intervals such as List of Fishing Vessels and Index and List of Titles.
Subject and author indexes and lists of titles of these principal publications of ICNAF can be found in Special Publication No. 11.
* Not digitized as books but NAFO statistics are available through the data extraction tool for the years 1960 to present. Digitized Statistical Bulletins will available in the near future