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NAFO Scientific Council Studies

In accordance with NAFO's mandate to disseminate information on fisheries research to the scientific community, the Studies contains review papers of topical interest and importance.

Scientific Council Studies are published in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

NAFO also publishes the Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science which contains peer-reviewed papers.

ISSN 0250-6432     E-ISSN 1682-9808

NAFO Scientific Council Studies

NAFO SC Studies No. 24 (1996)

31 January 1996

NAFO SC Studies No. 24 (1996)

Impact of Anomalous Oceanographic Conditions at the Beginning of the 1990s in the Northwest Atlantic on the Distribution and Behaviour of Marine Life, Symposium, 15–16 September 1994

During 15–16 September 1994, the Scientific Council held a Symposium on 'Impact of Anomalous Oceanographic Conditions at the Beginning of the 1990s in the Northwest Atlantic on the Distribution and Behaviour of Marine Life', with M. Sinclair (Canada) and M. Stein (Republic of Germany) as co-conveners. Through ICNAF and NAFO times, the scientific community had expressed the interests and values of conducting decadal reviews of the environmental conditions in the northwest Atlantic. Two such publications were completed for the decades of the 1960s (ICNAF Special Publication, No. 8 – Symposium on Environmental Conditions in the Northwest Atlantic, 1960–69, Jul 1972, 254 p.), and the 1970s (NAFO Scientific Council Studies, No. 5 – Symposium papers on Environmental Conditions in the Northwest Atlantic, 1970–79 Dec 1982, 114 p.). The September 1994 Symposium addressed the environmental issues in recent years, particularly relating them to marine life.

NAFO SC Studies No. 23 (1995)

30 September 1995

NAFO SC Studies No. 23 (1995)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

NAFO SC Studies No. 22 (1994)

31 May 1994

NAFO SC Studies No. 22 (1994)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

NAFO SC Studies No. 21 (1994)

31 January 1994

NAFO SC Studies No. 21 (1994)

Collection of Papers Related to Northern Cod and Seals in NAFO Divisions 2J and 3KL, Papers from June 1993

At its meeting during 2–16 June 1993, the Scientific Council noted that a complete scientific review of results from the Northern Cod Science Program of Canada was scheduled for late-1994, and the coordinator of the Program, J. S. Campbell, should be invited to consider a NAFO publication for a collection of papers. The Council noted a group of papers dealing with Northern Cod presented at its June 1993 meeting appeared suitable for a single publication. At its meeting during 7–10 September 1993, the Council expressed its appreciation to J. S. Campbell for accepting this task, and the Secretariat undertook to complete the publication by the end of 1994.

NAFO SC Studies No. 20 (1994)

30 January 1994

NAFO SC Studies No. 20 (1994)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

NAFO SC Studies No. 19 (1993)

31 October 1993

NAFO SC Studies No. 19 (1993)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

NAFO SC Studies No. 18 (1993)

31 July 1993

NAFO SC Studies No. 18 (1993)

Symposium on Changes in Abundance and Biology of Cod Stocks and Their Possible Causes, 4–6 September 1991

During 4–6 September 1991, the Scientific Council held a Symposium on "Changes in Abundance and Biology of Cod Stocks and Their Possible Causes", with H. Hovgård (Denmark, in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) as convener. At its meeting in September 1989, the Scientific Council initially agreed to host the 1991 Special Session on Atlantic Cod, and was pleased to welcome R. (Dick) Wells, the well-known Canadian expert on gadoid biology and fishery management science, to convene a Symposium. With the sad, untimely death of Dick Wells in December 1989, the Council was pleased Hovgård agreed to convene the session, and new ideas on the theme and specific topics were considered. The Council decided to dedicate the Symposium in memory of Dick Wells.

Interest in the contributions to the Symposium resulted in the Scientific Council recommendation that papers presented should be published in full or as extended abstracts in a special issue of, with H. Hovgård and T. Amaratunga undertaking the editorial review of the papers.

NAFO SC Studies No. 17 (1993)

28 February 1993

NAFO SC Studies No. 17 (1993)

Introduction to Sequential Population Analysis - Special Session on Fish Stock Assessment Calibration Methods 9-11 September, 1992

During 9-11 September 1992, the Scientific Council held a Special Session on "State-of-the-Art in Fish Assessment: a Tutorial/Workshop on Calibration Methods and Their Practical Use" at the NAFO Headquarters, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, with R. K. Mohn (Canada) and R. Cook (EEC-United Kingdom) as co-conveners. For use during this tutorial/workshop R. K. Mohn prepared a workbook titled Introduction to Sequential Population Analysis and R. Cook prepared a working paper on ICES VPA Tuning Methods, while some additional working papers were circulated during the sessions. At its meeting of 14-18 September 1992, the Scientific Council agreed that the ICES VPA tuning methods be included in a revised workbook and that all materials contained in the other working papers be incorporated in a publication of a single volume of NAFO Scientific Council Studies. The tutorial material prepared by the authors now form the body of this Workbook, and the other working papers are appended.


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
