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NAFO Scientific Council Studies

In accordance with NAFO's mandate to disseminate information on fisheries research to the scientific community, the Studies contains review papers of topical interest and importance.

Scientific Council Studies are published in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

NAFO also publishes the Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science which contains peer-reviewed papers.

ISSN 0250-6432     E-ISSN 1682-9808

NAFO Scientific Council Studies

NAFO SC Studies No. 8 (1985)

30 April 1985

NAFO SC Studies No. 8 (1985)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

NAFO SC Studies No. 7 (1984)

31 August 1984

NAFO SC Studies No. 7 (1984)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

NAFO SC Studies No. 6 (1983)

31 December 1983

NAFO SC Studies No. 6 (1983)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

NAFO SC Studies No. 5 (1982)

31 December 1982

NAFO SC Studies No. 5 (1982)

Symposium on Environmental Conditions in the Northwest Atlantic During 1970–79, September 1981

At the Annual Meeting of the Scientific Council of NAFO in September 1980, it was agreed that a review of environmental conditions in the northwest Atlantic during the 1970-79 decade was desirable. Consequently, a symposium was held at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, on 15-16 September 1981, during which 15 contributions were discussed (NAFO Scientific Council Reports for 1981). Several of the papers were solicited by the convener to ensure that the major aspects of environmental conditions were covered. Twelve of the contributions are included in this volume.

NAFO SC Studies No. 4 (1982)

30 September 1982

NAFO SC Studies No. 4 (1982)

Special Session on Remote Sensing, September 1981

Although satellite-sensed oceanographic data have been collected over a 20-year period and major application advances have been made over the past 5 years, the Scientific Council of NAFO recognized that new opportunities for application to fisheries research are not being fully exploited. Accordingly, at its meeting in June 1980, the Council agreed that a special session on "Remote Sensing Methods and Their Possible Application to Fisheries Science" would be held during its Annual Meeting in September 1981.

The purpose of this Special Session was to focus on remote-sensing applications relevant to fisheries research through both invited and contributed papers, thereby updating participants on the demonstrated and potential usefulness of remote sensing techniques in NAFO's particular field of interest.

The Scientific Council, noting that the Session gave a good review of remote-sensing techniques and provided a useful and concise account of the application of these techniques to fisheries science, decided that the papers presented at the Session should be published collectively in a volume of NAFO Scientific Council Studies. Apart from updating and minor editing, the 12 contributions are included in this issue. They not only serve as a record of the Special Session in September 1981 but hopefully will stimulate a broader audience to investigate and utilize remote-sensing data as a valuable adjunct to their fisheries research programs.

NAFO SC Studies No. 3 (1982)

30 April 1982

NAFO SC Studies No. 3 (1982)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers

NAFO SC Studies No. 2 (1981)

31 December 1981

NAFO SC Studies No. 2 (1981)

Manual on Groundfish Surveys in the Northwest Atlantic

W. G. Doubleday, Editor

NAFO SC Studies No. 1 (1981)

31 March 1981

NAFO SC Studies No. 1 (1981)

Miscellaneous Selected Papers


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
