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Scientific Council Research Documents (SCR)

2017 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

Doc No.

Serial No.



SCR 17/001 N6641 John Mortensen Report on hydrographic conditions off Southwest Greenland June/July 2016 (633 kb)
SCR 17/002 N6644 Rebecca A. Rademeyer and Doug S. Butterworth Initial Applications of Statistical Catch-at-Age Assessment Methodology to the Greenland Halibut Resource (506 kb)
SCR 17/003REV N6645 Rebecca A. Rademeyer and Doug S. Butterworth  Management Procedures for Greenland Halibut(2.7 MB)
SCR 17/004 N6648 António Ávila de Melo  On the threshold of a XSA 2017 assessment of Greenland halibut on Div. 2J and Div. 3KLMNO: considerations on input framework and settings for an alternate approach to the 2010 assessment (732 kb)
SCR 17/005REV N6649 Rebecca A. Rademeyer and Doug S. Butterworth  Examples of Management Procedure Outputs for Greenland Halibut (273 kb)
SCR 17/006 N6651 M. Joanne Morgan  Surplus production models in a Bayesian framework applied to Greenland halibut in SA2+Div 3KLMNO (882 kb)
SCR 17/007 N6652 Boris Cisewski Hydrographic conditions off West Greenland in 2016 (5.8 MB)
SCR 17/008 N6653 Paula Fratantoni  Hydrographic Conditions on the Northeast United States Continental Shelf in 2016 – NAFO Subareas 5 and 6 (7.2 MB)
SCR 17/009 N6654 D. Herbert and R.G. Pettipas  Physical Oceanographic Conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the eastern Gulf of Maine (NAFO Divisions 4V,W, X) during 2016 (6.7 MB)
SCR 17/010 N6659  Paul M. Regular, Noel G. Cadigan, M. Joanne Morgan, Brian P. Healey A Simple SAM-style State-Space Stock Assessment Model for Greenland Halibut in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO (10.5 MB)
SCR 17/011 N6662 E. Colbourne, J. Holden, S. Lewis, D. Senciall, W. Bailey, S. Snook and J. Higdon  Physical Oceanographic Environment on the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelf in NAFO Subareas 2 and 3 during 2016 (10.4 MB)
SCR 17/012 N6663 G. Maillet, P. Pepin, C. Johnson, S. Plourde, B. Casault, E. Devred, P.S. Galbraith, C. Caverhill, L. Devine, M. Scarratt, M. Starr, E. Head, J.  Spry, C. Porter, A. Cogswell, J.F. St-Pierre, L. St-Amand, P. Joly, S. Fraser, G. Doyle, A. Robar, J. Higdon, H. Maass   Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Northwest Atlantic During 2016 (3.8 MB)
SCR 17/013 N6664  Esther Román, Concepción González-Iglesias and Diana González-Troncoso  Results for the Spanish Survey in the NAFO Regulatory Area of Division 3L for the period 2003-2016  (2.6 MB)
SCR 17/014 N6666 Heino Fock, Karl-Michael Werner and Christoph Stransky  Survey effort in the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2016 with special reference to 2016 survey (1.1 MB)
SCR 17/015 N6667 R. Nygaard and O. Jørgensen  Biomass and Abundance of Demersal Fish Stocks off West and East Greenland estimated from the Greenland Institute of Natural resources (GINR) Shrimp and Fish Survey (SFW), 1990-2016  (9.6 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-016 N6668 Esther Román, Concepción González-Iglesias, Diana González-Troncoso and Marisol Alvarez Results for the Atlantic cod, roughhead grenadier, redfish, thorny skate and black dogfish of the Spanish Survey in the NAFO Div. 3L for the period 2003-2016 (3.7 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-017 N6669 Carmen Fernández1, Diana González Troncoso2, Fernando González-Costas2, Carsten Hvingel3, Ricardo Alpoim4, Santiago Cerviño1, Mónica Mandado5 and Alfonso Pérez6 Cod 3M Projections: risk estimation and inputs (2.5 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-018 N6670 Diana González-Troncoso1, Ana Gago1, Adriana Nogueira2 and Esther Román1 Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2016 (933 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-019 N6671 Diana González-Troncoso1, Ana Gago1 and Adriana Nogueira2 Biomass and length distribution for roughhead grenadier, thorny skate and white hake from the surveys conducted by Spain in NAFO 3NO (715 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-020 N6672 Diana González-Troncoso1, Ana Gago1 and Adriana Nogueira2 Yellowtail flounder, redfish (Sebastes spp.) and witch flounder indices from the Spanish Survey conducted in Divisions 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area (814 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-021 N6673 O.A. Jørgensen Survey for Greenland Halibut in NAFO Divisions 1C-1D, 2016 (5.8 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-022 N6674 Mathieu Ouellet NAFO STACFEN Report 2016 (1.3 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-023 N6675 F. González-Costas and G. Ramilo Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) Spanish data (Surveys and Fishery) in NAFO Regulatory Area (366 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-024 N6676 J. Miguel Casas Sánchez and D. González Troncoso Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of June-July 2016 (7.9 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-025 N6677 D. Power Standardized Catch Rate Indices for Greenland Halibut in SA2+3KLMNO (368 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-026REV2 N6678 RA Rademeyer and DS Butterworth Results for Initial Candidate Management Procedure Testing for Greenland Halibut (2.5 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-027 N6679 R.M. Rideout and N. Ollerhead Examining the impact that excluding RV surveys from coral and sponge protection areas in Divisions 3LNO would have on Canadian RV survey trends for NAFO-managed fish stocks (3.4 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-028 N6680 M. Treble Report on Greenland halibut caught during the 2016 trawl survey in Divisions 0A and 0B (13.2 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-029 N6682 M Ringuette Conditions in the Lab Sea in 2016 
SCR Doc. 17-030 N6683 Rasmus Nygaard Trawl, gillnet and longline survey results from surveys conducted by the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources in NAFO Division 1A Inshore (1 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-031 N6685 F. Rigét and R. Nygaard

An analyses of logbooks of Greenland Halibut Stock Component in NAFO Division 1A Inshore.(371 kb)

SCR Doc. 17-032 N6687 A. Ávila de Melo 1, F. Saborido-Rey 2 , M. Fabeiro 2, Sois Rábade2, D. González Troncoso3 , F. González-Costas3 , M. Pochtar4 , and R. Alpoim 1 An assessment of beaked redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO Division 3M, from a biological based approach to recent levels of natural mortality (2011-2016) (1.8 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-033 N6688 M.R. Simpson and C.M. Miri An Assessment of White Hake (Urophycis tenuis, Mitchill 1815) in NAFO Divisions 3N, 3O, and Subdivision 3Ps (4.7 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-034 N6689 V. Korzhev, M. Pochtar Simulation of the Flemish Cap Bank Redfish Fishery Taking into Account Dependence of the Parameters on Stock Density (1.2 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-035 N6690 Rademeyer and Butterworth Statistical Catch-at-Age Operating Models for the Greenland Halibut Resource (6 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-036 N6691 Rasmus Nygaard Assessment of wolffish in NAFO subarea 1 (930 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-037REV N6692 Rebecca A. Rademeyer and Doug S. Butterworth CMP projections under XSA in comparison to the SCAA baseline (OM0) (643 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-038 N6693 Diana González-Troncoso Assessment of the Cod Stock in NAFO Division 3M (3.1 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-039 N6694 Rasmus Nygaard Assessment of Demersal Redfish in NAFO Subarea 1 (1.8 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-040 N6695 K. Dwyer and B. Healey eXtended Survivor’s Analysis (XSA) update runs for Greenland Halibut in SA 2 + Div. 3KLMNO (1.1 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-041 N6696 Nygaard

Fisheries and Catches of Greenland Halibut Stock Component in NAFO Division 1A Inshore (1.8 MB)

SCR Doc. 17-042 N6698 R.M. Rideout, D.W. Ings, J. Brattey An Assessment of the Cod Stock in NAFO Divisions 3NO (4.7 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-043 N6699 R. Alpoim, D. González-Troncoso and A. M. Ávila de Melo An Assessment of American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) in NAFO Division 3M (2.7 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-044 N6700 R.M. Rideout, D. Power, D.W. Ings, L. Wheeland, and B.P. Healey Canadian multi-species bottom trawl surveys in NAFO subarea 2 + Divisions 3KLNO: Vessel performance, catch distribution and survey biomass trends of key finfish resources with emphasis on 2016. (10 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-045 N6701 M.J. Morgan and L. J. Wheeland Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO: stock trends based on annual Canadian research vessel survey results (1.1 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-046 N6703 R A Rademeyer and D S Butterworth SCAA MSY Evaluation Methodology for Greenland Halibut (224 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-047 N6707 J. Morgan and E. Lee Surplus production model in a Bayesian framework applied to witch flounder in NAFO Div. 3NO (829 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-048 N6708 Paul M. Regular, Noel G. Cadigan, Christoph Konrad, M. Joanne Morgan, Brian P. Healey1 Approximating F_MSY using the State-Space Stock Assessment Model developed for for Greenland Halibut in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO (268 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-049 N6709 E. Lee, J. Morgan, R. M. Rideout, D. Ings, L. Wheeland An assessment of the witch flounder resource in NAFO Divisions 3NO (3.2 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-050 N6719 J.M. Casas Sánchez Division 3M Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) – Interim Monitoring Update (726 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-051 N6720 AnnDorte Burmeister and Frank Farsø Riget  The West Greenland trawl survey for Pandalus borealis, 2017, with reference to earlier results. (2.2 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-052 N6721 AnnDorte Burmeister and Frank Farsø Riget  A Provisional Assessment of the Shrimp Stock off West Greenland in 2017 (1 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-053 N6722 AnnDorte Burmeister and Frank Farsø Riget  Pandalus montagui in the West Greenland offshore shrimp fishery 2011–2016. (1.7 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-054 N6723  AnnDorte Burmeister and Helle Torp Christensen  Experimental and development fishery for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Melville Bay, West Greenland waters North of 73°30’N, 2014 - 2016 (1.3 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-055 N6724 Nanette Hammeken Arboe Catch Table Update for the West Greenland Shrimp Fishery (527 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-056 N6725 Nanette Hammeken Arboe  The Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off West Greenland, 1970–2017 (998 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-057 N6726  Nanette Hammeken Arboe  The Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Denmark Strait / off East Greenland 1978 - 2017. (1 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-058 N6727  Frank Rigét and AnnDorte Burmeister  A note on the relationship between the survey abundance of 2-years old West Greenland Shrimp and the biomass two to four years later (903 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-059 N6728  Rasmus Hedeholm and Frank Rigét   Prediction of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhus) biomass in West Greenland waters based on a regression approach (588 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-060 N6729  Frank Rigét and AnnDorte Burmeister  Applying a stochastic surplus production model (SPiCT) to the West Greenland Stock of Northern Shrimp (652 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-061 N6730  Frank Rigét and Nanette Hammeken Arboe  Applying a stochastic surplus production model (SPiCT) to the East Greenland Stock of Northern Shrimp (949 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-062 N6731 Frank Rigét and AnnDorte Burmeister  Applying a stochastic surplus production model (SPiCT) to the West Greenland Stock of Pandalus montagui (605 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-063 N6743  J.M. Casas Sánchez  Assessment of the International Fishery for Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Division 3M (Flemish Cap), 1993-2017 (849 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-064 N6744  J.M. Casas Sánchez  Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) on Flemish Cap Surveys 2017 (1.7 MB)
SCR Doc. 17-065 N6745 Casas, J.M., E. Román and M. Álvarez  Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Krøyer) from EU-Spain Bottom Trawl Survey 2017in NAFO Div. 3LNO (739 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-066 N6749  A. Ávila de Melo   The Mterm projections from the 2017 assessment of beaked redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus in NAFO Division 3M (191 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-067 N6750 C. Hvingel  The Norwegian fishery for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Barents Sea and round Svalbard 1970-2017 
SCR Doc. 17-068 N6751 C. Hvingel Research survey results pertaining to northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Barents Sea and Svalbard area 2004-2016 
SCR Doc. 17-069 N6752  C. Hvingel Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Barents Sea – Stock assessment 2017 
SCR Doc. 17-070 N6753  K. Skanes 3LNO Shrimp
 SCR Doc. 17-071  N6770  A. Burmeister Reply to the Canadian request for advice of shrimps in Subarea 0 and 1 (745 kb)
SCR Doc. 17-072 N6850 G. Søvik and T. H. Thangstad Results of the Norwegian Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Skagerrak and the Norwegian Deep (ICES Divisions IIIa and IVa east) in 2017 (2.6 MB)



Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
