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Scientific Council Research Documents (SCR)

1992 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents


Doc No.

Serial No.



SCR 92/1 BAKANEV Results from acoustic capelin surveys in Div. 3LNO and 2J+3KL in 1991. 254 kb
SCR 92/2 NAKASHIMA & SLANEY Capelin (Mallotus villosus) egg deposition on fifteen spawning beaches in Conception Bay, Newfoundland in 1987-91. 240 kb
SCR 92/3 NAKASHIMA & HARNUM The inshore capelin fishery in NAFO Division 3L in 1991. 350 kb
SCR 92/4 SHELTON et al Estimates of survival rates and risk evaluation of the 10% harvest rate procedure for capeline in NAFO Divisions 3L. 489 kb
SCR 92/5 NAKASHIMA Results of aerial surveys of capelin (Mallotus villosus) schools using the compact airborne spectrographic imager (CASI). 285 kb
SCR 92/6 NARAYANAN et al Overview of environmental conditions in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL in 1991. 635 kb
SCR 92/7 LILLY Distribution of capelin on Grand Bank (Div. 3LNO) in the springs of 1987 and 1991, as inferred from bottom-trawl by-catches and cod stomachs examinations. 245 kb
SCR 92/8 LILLY By-catches of capelin in Canadian bottom-trawl surveys from northern Labrador to the southern Grand Bank (Div. 2GHJ3KLNO) in autumn 1991. 207 kb
SCR 92/9 SAAATIMSKY Distribution and biological characteristic of rock grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) as shown by trawl surveys in the Northwest Atlantic in 1989-1991. 294 kb
SCR 92/10 SAAATIMSKY Age structure of Macrourus berglax L. in the Northwest Atlantic in 1985. 825 kb
SCR 92/11 SAAATIMSKY & KUZMIN On by-catch of cod in research redfish catch on the Flemish Cap Bank in 1988-1991. 309 kb
SCR 92/12 VASKOV & OGANIN Evaluation of redfish stocks in Divisions 3LN and 3M by the trawl-acoustic survey in 1991. 287 kb
SCR 92/13 KUZMIN Stock assessment of cod from NAFO Subarea 3 by the data from 1991 trawl-acoustic sruvey. 271 kb
SCR 92/14 ALBIKOVSKAYA & GERASIMOVA Feeding and trophic relations between cod and capelin off the northwestern Newfoundland (3K) in spring-summer. 240 kb
SCR 92/15 GERASIMOVA et al A study of trophic interrelations between cod (Gadus morhua) and capelin (Mallotus villosus) on the Newfoundland Shelf in spring and summer seasons of 1985 and 1991. 446 kb
SCR 92/16 BENWAY et al Surface and bottom temperatures, and surface salinites: New York to the Gulf Stream, Massachusetts to Cape Sable, N.S. 1991. 641 kb
SCR 92/17 SMEDSTAD & TORHEIM Norwegian investigations on shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in East Greenland Waters in 1991. 182 kb
SCR 92/18 BAIRD et al An assessment of cod stock in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL. 1935 kb
SCR 92/19 STEIN Variability of climate - impact on cod recruitment off West Greenland. 439 kb
SCR 92/20 STEIN On the consistency of thermal events in the East Greenland/West Greenland current system. 233 kb
SCR 92/21 BOROVKOV & TEVS Oceanographic conditions in NAFO Subareas 0, 2 and 3 in 1991. 419 kb
SCR 92/22 GORCHINSKY & VASKOV Trawl survey results on Greenland halibut stock evaluation in NAFO Div. 0B and 2GH in October/December 1991. 394 kb
SCR 92/23 GASIUKOV Status of silver hake stocks in NAFO Divisions 4VMX in 1991 and TAC for 1993. 442 kb
SCR 92/24 VAZQUEZ Minimum landing size for cod and flatfish in NAFO area corresponding to a cod end mesh size of 120 millimeters. 295 kb
SCR 92/25 PAZ & LARREÑETA Cod stock-recruitment relationship in NAFO Divisions 3NO. 242 kb
SCR 92/26 ZAMARRO The fecundity of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) from south of the Grand Bank and Flemish Cap. 244 kb
SCR 92/27 VAZQUEZ Results from bottom trawl survey of Flemish Cap in July 1991. 346 kb
SCR 92/28 JUNQUERA et al Spanish fishery of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in 1990-1991. 249 kb
SCR 92/29 DE CÁRDENAS & MOGUEDET Preliminary results from EEC cod tagging on Flemish Cap. 166 kb
SCR 92/30 CORNUS 1991 assessment of redfishes (Sebastes marinus and Sebastes mentella) in NAFO Subarea 1. 310 kb
SCR 92/31 DE CÁRDENAS et al On the isolation of the cod population in Flemish Cap (Division 3M). 398 kb
SCR 92/32 WIELAND Distribution of 0-group redfish (Sebastes spp.) off West Greenland in autumn 1991. 244 kb
SCR 92/33 MOGUEDET Cod migrations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and south areas off Newfoundland. 423 kb
SCR 92/34 BEZ & MOGUEDET Comparison of the relative fishing powers of St. Pierre and Miquelon trawelers from 1986 to 1991 in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps. Limits in the use of multiplicative model (Robson, 1966). 790 kb
SCR 92/35 RIKHTER & VINOGRADOV On relationships between silver hake weight growth and abundance of fishery population on the Nova Scotian Shelft. 272 kb
SCR 92/36 SIGAEV Anomalies of water temperature and water-mass border indices in the Northwest Atlantic area in 1990 and 1991. 116 kb
SCR 92/37 SHCHERBICH et al Age determination methods for Nova Scotian Hake. 1054 kb
SCR 92/38 SIGAEV et al The results of mackeral (Scomber scombrus) study on the Scotian Shelf in June 1990. 261 kb
SCR 92/39 RIKHTER & TUROK Distribution of hake, other fish species and short-finned squid on the Scotian Shelft in June 1990. 253 kb
SCR 92/40 RÄTZ Decrease in fish biomass off West Greenland (Subdivisions 1B-1F) continued. 246 kb
SCR 92/41 JUNQUERA & ZAMARRO Sexual maturity and spawning of the Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) from Flemish Pass area. 216 kb
SCR 92/42 BARSUKOV et a Identification of redfishes (Sebastes, Scorpaenidae) in the North Atlantic (some recommendations). 401 kb
SCR 92/43 PEDERSEN & NYGÅRD Survey biomass of fishes in the Disko Bay area West Greenland-September 1991. 213 kb
SCR 92/44 PEDERSEN & KANNEWORFF Survey biomass of redfish (Sebastes spp.) off West Greenland (NAFO Subareas 0+1), July-August 1988-91. 304 kb
SCR 92/45 KANNEWORFF & PEDERSEN Survey biomass of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) off West Greenland (NAFO Subareas 0+1), July-August 1988-91. 289 kb
SCR 92/46 HASSAGER & LEHMANN Investigation of sampling bias on length distribution of Pandalus borealis when sampling from the hatch. 161 kb
SCR 92/47 HASSAGER Do length-at-age vary with depth? The Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Davis Strait (NAFO Division 1B). 138 kb
SCR 92/48 YANO & JØRGENSEN Results of two stratified-random bottom trawl surveys at West Greenland in 1991. 309 kb
SCR 92/49 SKÚLADÓTTIR The catch statistics of the shrimp fishery (Pandalus borealis) in the Denmark Strait in the years 1980-1991. 212 kb
SCR 92/50 WALDRON et al Status of the Scotian Shelf silver hake (whiting) population in 1991 with projections to 1993. 520 kb
SCR 92/51 BOJE An assessment of the Greenland halibut stock component in NAFO Subareas 0+1. 122 kb
SCR 92/52 KENCHINGTON et al Fishing grounds exploited by 1990 by longliners based in Canada's Scotia-Fundy region. 1104 kb
SCR 92/53 JØRGENSEN & BOJE A comparison of the selectivity in trawl and long-line fishery for Greenland halibut. 148 kb
SCR 92/54 RONNOW Analysis of the catch curves for Pandalus borealis in Disko Bay, West Greenland. 239 kb
SCR 92/55 CARLSSON et al Report on a stratified-random trawl survey for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in inshore areas West Greenland, NAFO Subarea 1, in 1991. 418 kb
SCR 92/56 CARLSSON & KANNEWORFF Estimate of shrimp discard from shrimp factory trawlers in Davis Strait and Denmark Strait in 1991. 115 kb
SCR 92/57 MILLER Results of an acoustic survey for capelin (Mallotus villosus) in NAFO Division 3L in 1992. 110 kb
SCR 92/58 PARSONS & VEITCH Analysis of the fishery data for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Division 0A, 1979-1991. 389 kb
SCR 92/59 POWER & VASKOV Abundance and biomass estimates of redfish (S. mentella) in Div. 3LN from Russian groundfish surveys 1984-91. 287 kb
SCR 92/60 WALSH Juvenile flatfish fisheries on the Grand Bank: a discussion of conversation techniques. 497 kb
SCR 92/61 BRODIE & WALSH An assessment of the yellowtail flounder stock in Divisions 3LNO. 751 kb
SCR 92/62 SKÚLADÓTTIR The Icelandic shrimp fishery (Pandalus borealis) in the Denmakr Strait in 1991 and early-1992. 275 kb
SCR 92/63 STEIN A note on the consistency of hydrographic events off Labrador and off West Greenland. 105 kb
SCR 92/64 CARLSSON & KANNEWORFF The commercial shrimp fishery in Denmark Strait in 1991 and early 1992. 625 kb
SCR 92/65 CARLSSON & KANNEWORFF The shrimp fishery in NAFO Subarea 1 in 1991. 734 kb
SCR 92/66 MENA Northern prawn (Pandalus borealis) stock in Flemish Cap. 100 kb
SCR 92/67 CARLSSON & KANNEWORFF Report on a stratified-random trawl survey for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in NAFO Subareas 0+1 in July-September 1991, and a comparison with earlier surveys. 811 kb
SCR 92/68 BISHOP et al Cod in Divisions 2J+3KL - estimates of biomass and age composition for the portion of stock in the NAFO Regulatory Area. 226 kb
SCR 92/69 KEELEY Marine Evironmental Data Service Report for 1991. 699 kb
SCR 92/70 ROSS Moored current meter measurements across Davis Strait. 180 kb
SCR 92/71 DRINKWATER et al Spatial and temporal scales of temperature variability in the Bay of Fundy. 335 kb
SCR 92/72 DRINKWATER AFAP climate studies in the Scotia-Fundy region. 275 kb
SCR 92/73 DRINKWATER et al Overview of environmental conditions in the Northwest Atlantic in 1991. 961 kb
SCR 92/74 MYERS et al The influence of salinity on 2J3KL cod recruitment. 324 kb
SCR 92/75 BAIRD et al An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Div. 3NO. 852 kb
SCR 92/76 BRODIE & BOWERING Results for American Plaice from Canadian surveys in Div. 3M, 1978-85. 112 kb
SCR 92/77 SAVARD et al Assessment of shrimp in Denmark Strait. 404 kb
SCR 92/78 WALSH Distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult American plaice on the Grand Bank, NAFO Divisions 3LNO. 344 kb
SCR 92/79 BRODIE et al An assessment of the American plaice stock in Div. 3LNO. 1127 kb
SCR 92/80 POWER An assessment of redfish in NAFO Divisions 3LN. 811 kb
SCR 92/81 BRODIE & BAIRD Data for the assessment of Greenland halibut in SA 2 + Divisions 3KLM. 503 kb
SCR 92/82 BRODIE et al Analysis of data from deepwater surveys in Div. 0B, 2GHJ, and 3KLM in 1991. 234 kb
SCR 92/83 PARSONS et al Assessment of shrimp in the Daivs Strait Subareas 0+1. 323 kb
SCR 92/84 BAKANEV Evaluation of index for 0-group capelin abundance in NAFO Divisions 3LNO in November. 159 kb

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
