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Scientific Council Research Documents (SCR)

1993 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents


Doc No.

Serial No.



SCR 93/01 SIGAEV Oceanographic conditions in some areas of the Northwest Atlantic in 1992. 131 kb
SCR 93/02 RIKHTER Variation in abundance of the Scotian Shelf silver hake and some other Gadidae in the Northwest Atlantic. 185 kb
SCR 93/03 RIKHTER On dependence between pollock, cod and haddock by-catches and Soiviet CPUE estimates for the Nova Scotian silver hake between 1988 adn 1990. 122 kb
SCR 93/04 RIKHTER On reliability of independent silver hake abundance indices in the Scotian Shelf area. 187 kb
SCR 93/05 GASIUKOV On the stabilization of commerical fishes stock estimates obtained by means of adaptive approach. 435 kb
SCR 93/06 GASIUKOV Status of silver hake stocks in NAFO Divisions 4VWX in 1992 and TAC for 1994. 388 kb
SCR 93/07 VINOGRADOV On hake feeding related to distribution of food organisms in the Scotian Shelf area in 1988, 1990. 326 kb
SCR 93/08 STEIN Climatic conditions around Greenland, 1992. 425 kb
SCR 93/09 BUCH Oceanographic conditions at West Greendland, 1992. 127 kb
SCR 93/10 MOROZOVA Distribution of yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland by the data from Russian surveys, 1971-1991. 232 kb
SCR 93/11 VASKOV & IANOVA Stock assessment of redfish in Division 3M by the data from 1992 trawl-acoustic survey. 226 kb
SCR 93/12 SAVVATIMSKY Results of investigations of roundnose grenadier in NAFO Subareas 0, 2 and Division 3K in 1971-1992. 248 kb
SCR 93/13 SAVVATIMSKY & KUZMIN On by-catches of cod during surveys on redfish in NAFO Divison 3L, 3N and 3O in 1988-1991. 229 kb
SCR 93/14 GERASIMOVA & KUZMIN Spatial and functional structure of cod trophic relations on the Newfoudnland Shelf in spring-summer season. 576 kb
SCR 93/15 GORCHINSKY Results from Greenland halibut assessment in Divisions 0B, 2GH by the data from 1992 trawl survey. 189 kb
SCR 93/16 DE CÁRDENAS et el Preliminary results of European cod tagging programme in NAFO Division 3M (second year). 534 kb
SCR 93/17 JUNQUERA Feeding cycles of the Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Flemish Pass area in relation to catch rates (1991-92). 280 kb
SCR 93/18 RODRÍGUEZ-MARÍN et al Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) feeding in Flemish Pass NAFO Divisions 3LM. 290 kb
SCR 93/19 VAZQUEZ Results from bottom trawl survey of Flemish Cap in July 1992. 431 kb
SCR 93/20 CASAS & PÈREZ-GÁNDARAS Is otolith growth representative of cohort growth? 311 kb
SCR 93/21 MILLER Results from an acoustic survey for capelin in Divisions 3NO in 1992. 131 kb
SCR 93/22 SAINZA Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) stock on Flemish Cap. 122 kb
SCR 93/23 SABORIDO-REY Osteological differences in species of Sebastes on Flemish Cap. 259 kb
SCR 93/24 SABORIDO-REY Distribution, abundance and biomass trends in the Genus Sebastes on Flemish Cap (Div. 3M). 334 kb
SCR 93/25 ZAMARRO et al Identificaion of female cod (Gadus morhua) from Flemish Cap (Northwest Atlantic) at the beginning of ripening. 541 kb
SCR 93/26 RÄTZ Abundance and rpesent length structure of demersal fish stocks off West Greenland (Divisions 1B-1F, 0-400m). 325 kb
SCR 93/27 BENWAY et al Surface and bottom temperatures and surface salinities: New York to Gulf Stream, Massachuesetts to Cape Sable, N.S. 1992. 611 kb
SCR 93/28 BAKANEV Results from acoustic capelin surveys in NAFO Divisions 2J3K in 1992. 106 kb
SCR 93/29 ATKINSON Some observations on the biomass and abundance of fish captured during stratified-random bottom trawl surveys in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL, fall 1981-1991. 486 kb
SCR 93/30 ANDERSON et al Distribution and abundance of pelagic 0-group cod in inshore and offshore areas for the northern cod stock (NAFO 2J3KL). 566 kb
SCR 93/31 PEPIN & CARR Morphological, meristic and genetic analysis of stock structure in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from the Newfoundland Shelf. 501 kb
SCR 93/32 ANDERSON & DALLEY Inshore/offshore distributions and abundances of pelagic 0-group cod in NAFO Divisions 3K and 3L in fall of 1991 and 1992. 206 kb
SCR 93/33 NARAYANAN et al Climatic effects on cod distribution deduced from trawl surveys. 275 kb
SCR 93/34 STENSON The stauts of pinnipeds in the Newfoundland region. 142 kb
SCR 93/35 DALLEY & ANDERSON Distribution and abundance of demersal juvenile cod from inshore to offshore locations on the northern Grand Bank and NE Newfoundland Shelf in December 1992. 260 kb
SCR 93/36 LAWSON et al Diet of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) in 2J3KL during 1991-93. 568 kb
SCR 93/37 SHELTON & MORGAN An analysis of NAFO Divisions 2K3KL cod spawner biomass and recruitment. 347 kb
SCR 93/38 MYERS et al Salinity and recruitment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Newfoundland region. 403 kb
SCR 93/39 MYERS et al Cod spawning in relation to physical and biological cycles of the northern Northwest Atlantic. 473 kb
SCR 93/40 VINOGRADOV On the problem of feeing, diurnal, annual food ration and balance for silver hake population in the Scotian Shelf area. 514 kb
SCR 93/41 HUTCHINGS & MYERS The timing of cod reproduction interannual variability and the influence of temperature. 484 kb
SCR 93/42 HUTCHINGS et al Graphic variation in the spawning of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, in the Northwest Atlantic. 464 kb
SCR 93/43 HUTCHINGS & MYERS The effect of age on the seasonality of maturation and spawning of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, in the Northwest Atlantic. 329 kb
SCR 93/44 PETRIE & DRINKWATER The influence of the Labrador current on the ocean climate of the Scotian Shelf and the Gulf of Maine. 493 kb
SCR 93/45 STENSON & KAVANAGH Distribution of harp and hooded seals in offshore waters of Newfoundland. 383 kb
SCR 93/46 GLENN Marine Environmental Data Service Report for 1992. 719 kb
SCR 93/47 MURPHY & BISHOP Cod in Divisions 2J+3KL - estimates of biomass and age composition for the portion of the stock in the NAFO Regulatory Area. 226 kb
SCR 93/48 RØNNOW A short presentation if hydrographic data sampled during the shrimp surveys in 1990 and 1992 in Denmark Strait. 148 kb
SCR 93/49 DRINKWATER & MYERS Investigations of the mean, seasonal and interannual variability in the position of the north wall of the Gulf Stream 45°W to 75°W. 196 kb
SCR 93/50 DRINKWATER Overview of environmental conditions in the Northwest Atlantic in 1992. 942 kb
SCR 93/51 SKÚLADÓTTIR The Icelandic shrimp fishery (Pandalus borealis) in the Denmark Strait in 1992 and early 1993. 258 kb
SCR 93/52 BECH Survey biomass and abundance of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) and redfish (Sebastes spp.) in Greenland trawl survey 1992 (NAFO Subarea 1). 212 kb
SCR 93/53 BOJE & HAREIDE Trial deepwater longline fishery in the Davis Strait, May-June 1992. 128 kb
SCR 93/54 LILLY & DAVIS Changes in the distribution of capelin in Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L in the autumns of recent years, as inferred from bottom-trawl by-catches and cod stomach examinations. 476 kb
SCR 93/55 LILLY The food of cod in Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L during the autumns of 1978-1992. 484 kb
SCR 93/56 BISHOP & BAIRD Spactial and temporal variability in condition factors of 2J3KL cod. 249 kb
SCR 93/57 MORGAN et al Temporal and spatial variation in age and length at maturity in 2J3KL cod. 171 kb
SCR 93/58 SATANI et al Results of two stratified random bottom trawl surveys off West Greenland in 1992. 271 kb
SCR 93/59 USHAKOV On investigations of capelin from the Barents Sea. 114 kb
SCR 93/60 CARLSSON & KANNEWORFF The commerical shrimp fishery in Denmark Strait in 1992 and early-1993. 705 kb
SCR 93/61 DE CÁRDENAS et al Abundance indices of Greenland halibut in deepwater fishing zones of NAFO Divisions 3LMN. 165 kb
SCR 93/62 BOWERING & POWER An examination of special distribution of Greenland halibut in the Labrador-eastern Newfoundland area of the Canadian Northwest Atlantic based on research surveys. 393 kb
SCR 93/63 SKÚLADÓTTIR The catch statistics of the shimp fishery (Pandalus borealis) in the Denmark Strait in the years 1980-1992. 272 kb
SCR 93/64 CARLSSON & KANNEWORFF The shrimp fishery in NAFO Subarea 1 in 1992 and early 1993. 1247 kb
SCR 93/65 SKÚLADÓTTIR The sexual maturity of female shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Denmark Strait in the years 1985-1992 and a comparison to the nearest Icelandic shrimp stocks in 1992. 181 kb
SCR 93/66 CARLSSON & KANNEWORFF Stratified-random trawl survey for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Denmark Strait in 1992. 317 kb
SCR 93/67 DE CÁRDENAS & LASSEN Effects of mesh size changes in the Flemish Cap cod fisheries. 268 kb
SCR 93/68 ANDERSON Distributions of juvenile cod in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL during fall, 1981-92, in relation to bathymetry and bottom temperatures. 393 kb
SCR 93/69 MYERS et al Depensatory recruitment and the collapse of fisheries. 179 kb
SCR 93/70 CARLSSON et al Stratified-random trawl survey for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in NAFO Subarea 0+1, 1992. 678 kb
SCR 93/71 WALSH Dynamics of juvenile American plaice populations on the Grand Banks, NAFO Divisions 3LNO. 537 kb
SCR 93/72 CARLSSON & KANNEWORFF Stratified-random trawl survey for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in inshore areas at West Greenland, NAFO Subarea 1, in 1992. 344 kb
SCR 93/73 POWER An assessment of Divisions 3LN redfish. 784 kb
SCR 93/74 ATKINSON et al The roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) fisheries in NAFO Subareas 2+3. 595 kb
SCR 93/75 BOWERING et al An evaluation of the status of the Greenland halibut resources in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLM. 735 kb
SCR 93/76 BRODIE et al An assessment of the yellowtail flounder stock in Divisions 3LNO. 1103 kb
SCR 93/77 GORCHINSKY & POWER An assessment of Division 3M redfish. 235 kb
SCR 93/78 PARSONS & VEITCH The Canadian fishery for Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Davis Strait, 1979-1992. 436 kb
SCR 93/79 SIEGSTAD An estimate of shrimp discard from shimp factory trawlers in Davis Strait, 1992. 199 kb
SCR 93/80 JØRGENSEN & BOJE An assessment of the Greenland halibut stock component in NAFO Subareas 0+1. 200 kb
SCR 93/81 CARLSSON et al Assessment of shrimp in Davis Strait (Subareas 0+1). 545 kb
SCR 93/82 GODINHO & DE CÁRDENAS An assessment of the American plaice stock in Division 3M. 214 kb
SCR 93/83 BOWERING et al An evaluation of stock status of witch flounder in NAFO Divisions 3NO. 584 kb
SCR 93/84 SKÚLADÓTTIR et al Assessment of shrimp in the Denmark Strait. 280 kb
SCR 93/85 VAZQUEZ An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Division 3M. 84 kb
SCR 93/86 BISHOP et al An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL. 1563 kb
SCR 93/87 COLBOURNE State-of-the-ocean, Grand Banks area (3L), mid-spring 1993, with a comparison to the mean. 345 kb
SCR 93/88 COLBOURNE Oceanographic conditions during the annual fall groundfish survey in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL. 734 kb
SCR 93/89 RÄTZ Redfish Subarea 1 (0-400m): present stock abundance indices, species and length composition. 306 kb
SCR 93/90 DAVIS et al An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Divisions 3NO. 1032 kb
SCR 93/91 BRODIE et al An assessment of the American plaice stock in NAFO Divisions 3NO. 1498 kb
SCR 93/92 CADIGAN & HICKEY Analysis of subsamped catches from trouser trawl size selectivities studies. 252 kb
SCR 93/93 KUIKKA et al Impacts of increased codent mesh size on the catches and fishery of herring in the northern Baltic Sea - uncertainites from the ecosystem and markets. 340 kb
SCR 93/94 BOULOS et al Combining selectivities from multiple trouser trawl tows. 264 kb
SCR 93/95 DEALTERIS & RIEDEL Effect of size selection within and between fishing gear types of the yield and spawning stocks biomass per recruit and catch per unit effort for a cohort of an idealized groundfish. 392 kb
SCR 93/96 REIS & PAWSON Characteristics of the fish's body affecting gillnet selectivity. 563 kb
SCR 93/97 REIS & PAWSON Gill-net selectivity of bass and white croaker using commercial catch data. 535 kb
SCR 93/98 CLAY "Management regions, statistical areas and fishing grounds: criteria for dividing up the sea" WORK IN PROGRESS. 738 kb
SCR 93/99 STEWARD & NEWTON Observations on the size composition of haddock and whiting catches taken by different fishing methods used in the Scottish North Sea demersal fisheries. 371 kb
SCR 93/100 GORCHINSKY et al Selectivity of bottom trawls during the fishery for redfish on the Flemish Cap Bank. 233 kb
SCR 93/101 SKÚLADÓTTIR & EINARSSON The Icelandic shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery at the Flemish Cap in 1993, with a preliminary analysis of the age structure. 279 kb
SCR 93/102 SHOWELL et al Status of the Scotian Shelf silver hake populations in 1992 with projections to 1994. 599 kb
SCR 93/103 NICOLAJSEN Assessment of the shrimp stock on Flemish Cap (Division 3M) for 1993. 169 kb
SCR 93/104 SAINZA Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) stock on Flemish Cap in June-July 1993. 160 kb
SCR 93/105 LILLY Sizes, distribution and relative abundance of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) on Flemish Cap (Division 3M) in 1978-1984, as inferred from analysis of cod stomach contents. 234 kb
SCR 93/106 COLBOURNE Environmental conditions in Atlantic Canada, mid-summer 1993, with comparisons to the long-term mean. 550 kb
SCR 93/107 COLBOURNE Oceanographic conditions on the Flemish Cap during the summer 1993, with comparisons to the long-term average. 410 kb
SCR 93/108 HALLIDAY An analysis of scientific advice and TAC levels for the Scotian Shelf (Divisions 4VWX) silver hake stock. 248 kb
SCR 93/109 CASEY Estimating discards using selectivity data: the effects of mesh size changes in the mixed demersal fisheries in the Irish Sea. 944 kb
SCR 93/110 SIEGSTAD The Greenland fishery for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) on Flemish Cap, May-August 1993. 139 kb
SCR 93/111 PARSONS et al The Canadian fishery for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) on Flemish Cap (NAFO Division 3M), 1993. 202 kb
SCR 93/112 PARSONS & VEITCH Age and growth of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) on Flemish Cap (NAFO Division 3M). 287 kb
SCR 93/113 CHRISTENSEN & LASSEN Optimal management of the Iceland-Greenland transboundary cod stock. 302 kb
SCR 93/114 HASSAGER & LASSEN Why skippers skip grounds: a probabilistic decision model for whether a skipper continues fishing on the same or changes to some other ground, based on data from the West Greenland shrimp fishery. 307 kb
SCR 93/115 MURAWSKI Factors influencing by-catch and discard rates: analyses from multispecies/multifishery sea sampling. 408 kb
SCR 93/116 CHRISTENSEN On management of varying shrimp stock in the Davis Strait. 415 kb
SCR 93/117 ENGÅS et al Comparative fishing for cod and haddock with commercial trawl and longline at two different stock levels. 358 kb
SCR 93/118 NEDREAAS et al Performance and biological implications of the multi-gear fishery for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). 356 kb
SCR 93/119 SUURONEN et al Possibilities to increase the size-selectivity of a herring trawl by using a rigid sorting grid. 305 kb
SCR 93/120 SHOWELL Effect of mesh size/type on size distribution and catch rates for 1991. 410 kb
SCR 93/121 SINCLAIR Seasonal components in technological interactions in Gulf of St. Lawrence shrimp and groundfish fisheries. 759 kb
SCR 93/122 GABRIEL Factors influencing technological interactions in Mid-Atlantic Bight groundfish fisheries. 397 kb
SCR 93/123 FRYER & SHEPHERD Models of codend selection. 282 kb
SCR 93/124 HOKENSON & ROSS Finfish by-catch mortality in the Gulf of Maine northern shrimp fishery. 145 kb
SCR 93/125 SINCLAIR Estimating fleet specific F given catch quotas. 102 kb
SCR 93/126 MURAWSKI Dynamic models of technological interaction: man as a prudent predator. 288 kb
SCR 93/127 BALFOUR A Canadian northern shrimp selectivity program 1993. 255 kb
SCR 93/128 PARSONS & VEITCH The Canadian fishery for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Davis Strait, 1979 - 1993. 345 kb

SCR 93/129

ANDERSEN et al Stratified-random trawl survey for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Disko Bay, West Greenland, 1993. 331 kb
SCR 93/130 CARLSSON et al The shrimp fishery in NAFO Subarea 1 January to October 1993. 1646 kb
SCR 93/131 CARLSSON et al The commercial shrimp fishery in Denmark Strait January to October 1993. 697 kb
SCR 93/132 ANDERSEN et al Stratified-random trawl survey for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) offshore in NAFO Subareas 0 and 1 in 1993. 507 kb
SCR 93/133 SKÚLADÓTTIR The catch statistics of the shrimp fishery (Pandalus borealis) in the Denmark Strait in the years 1980-1993. 277 kb
SCR 93/134 SKÚLADÓTTIR et al Assessment of shrimp in the Denmark Strait. 425 kb
SCR 93/135 SKÚLADÓTTIR The Icelandic shrimp fishery (Pandalus borealis) in the Denmark Strait in 1992 and 1993. 112 kb
SCR 93/136 CARLSSON et al Assessment of shrimp in Davis Strait (Subareas 0+1). 314 kb

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
