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Scientific Council Summary Documents (SCS)

1985 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Doc. No.
File Size
SCS 85/1 Provisional sealing statistics for 1984
84 kb
SCS 85/2 Provisional report of Scientific Council Meeting, January 1985
1008 kb
SCS 85/3 Report of the Twelfth Session of the Coordinating Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics (CWP), July 1984
71 kb
SCS 85/4 Tagging activities reported for the Northwest Atlantic in 1984
320 kb
SCS 85/5 EEC request for scientific advice on maqagement in 1986 of the cod stock in Subdivision 3Ps
21 kb
SCS 85/6 Canadian request for scientific advice on management in 1986 of certain stocks 1n Subareas 0 to 4
40 kb
SCS 85/7 Denmark (Greenland) request for management in 1986 of certain stocks in
Subarea 1
82 kb
SCS 85/8 Denmark (Greenland) request for further advice on the shrimp fishery in Subarea 1
25 kb
SCS 85/9 Historical catches of selected species by stock area and country for the period
990 kb
SCS 85/10 Canadian research report, 1984
694 kb
SCS 85/11 United States research report for 1984
303 kb
SCS 85/12 Spanish research report, 1984
72 kb
SCS 85/13 Japanese research report for 1984
71 kb
SCS 85/14 USSR research report for 1984
746 kb
SCS 85/15 Portuguese research report, 1984
234 kb
SCS 85/16 French research report for 1984
204 kb
SCS 85/17 Denmark (Greenland) research report for 1984
421 kb
SCS 85/18 Provisional lists of sampling data, 1979-83
1208 kb
SCS 85/19 Preliminary lists of sampling data, 1984
526 kb
SCS 85/20 On the formulation of scientific advice by the NAFa Scientific Council for stocks in the Regulatory Area (exclusive or overlapping)
129 kb
SCS 85/21 Notes on statistical activities and related publications, 1983/84
SCS 85/22 Provisional report of Scientific Council, Dartmouth, Canada, 5-20 June 1985
SCS 85/23 Elaboration of the proposal for a new Rule of Procedure

61 kb

SCS 85/24 Cuban research report for 1984 183 kb
SCS 85/25 Provisional nominal catches in the Northwest Atlantic, 1984 1495 kb
SCS 85/26 Alternative proposal for revision of Scientific Council Rules of Procedures concerning voting 64 kb
SCS 85/27 Provisional report of Scientific Council, Annual Meeting, Havana, Cuba, 9-13 September 1985  
SCS 85/28 Fisheries Commission request for scientific advice on management in 1987 of certain stocks in Subareas 2 to 4 107 kb
SCS 85/29 German Democratic Republic research report for 1984 508 kb

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590