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Scientific Council Summary Documents (SCS)

2005 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents


Doc. No.
File Size
SCS 05/1
Fisheries Commission’s request for scientific advice on management in 2006 of certain stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4. 43 kb
SCS 05/2
Canadian request for scientific advice on management in 1006 of certain stocks in subareas 0 to 4. 20 kb
SCS 05/3
Denmark (Greenland) request for scientific advice on management in 2006 on certain stocks in Subarea 0 and 1. 19 kb
SCS 05/4
Provisional index and list of titles of research and summary documents of 2004. Excel format - 17 kb
SCS 05/5
Russian Research Report for 2004. 81 kb
SCS 05/6
Portuguese Research Report for 2004. 310 kb
SCS 05/7
United States Research Report for 2004. 130 kb
SCS 05/8
Spanish Research Report for 2004. 126 kb
SCS 05/9
German Research Report for 2004. 43 kb
SCS 05/10
Report of Scientific Council Meeting, 2-16 June 2005 1.4 MB
SCS 05/11
List of Biological Sampling Data for 2004. Excel format - 379 kb
SCS 05/12
Canadian Research Report for 2004. 213 kb
SCS 05/13
Tagging activities for the Northwest Atlantic in 2004 and early 2005. 29 kb
SCS 05/14
Denmark/Greenland Research for 2004. 229 kb
SCS 05/15
Ukrainian Research Report for 2004. 15 kb
SCS 05/16
Available data from the commercial fisheries related to stock assessment (2004) and inventory of biological surveys conducted in the NAFO area in 2004 and biological surveys planned for 2005 and early-2006. 27 kb
SCS 05/17
Report of the Joint ICES/NAFO Working Group on harp and hooded seals. 197 kb
SCS 05/18
Report of Scientific Council Meeting, 19-23 September 2005  194 kb
SCS 05/19
Report of Scientific Council Meeting, 26 October-3 November 2005  2 MB
SCS 05/20
A compilation of research vessel surveys on a stock-by-stock basis.  (Revised 22 Feb. 2006) 110 kb

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
