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Working Papers


W.P No. Title
STACFAD WP 24-02 (Rev.) Review of Accumulated Surplus and Funds
STACFAD WP 24-03 NAFO Internship Program
STACFAD WP 24-04 Report of the Annual Meeting of the International Fisheries Commissions Pension Society (IFCPS), 16–18 April 2024
STACFAD WP 24-05 Creation of an Annual Meeting Funding Model 
STACFAD WP 24-07 Adoption of 2024/2025 Staff Committee Appointees 
STACFAD WP 24-08 Time and Place of 2025–2027 Annual Meetings
STACFAD WP 24-10 NAFO Internship Program – Comprehensive Review
STACFAD WP 24-11 Scientific Council Additional Requests to the 2025 Budget Estimate



W.P No. Title
STACFAD WP 23-01 (Rev.) Performance Review Recommendation #36: Design a new visual identity for NAFO
STACFAD WP 23-02 Focus Group Discussion re: Performance Review Recommendation #36: Design a new visual identity for NAFO
STACFAD WP 23-03 (Rev.) Review of Accumulated Surplus and Funds
STACFAD WP 23-05 Internship Program
STACFAD WP 23-06 Report of the Annual Meeting of the International Fisheries Commissions Pension Society (IFCPS), 25–27 April 2023
STACFAD WP 23-08 Adoption of 2023/2024 Staff Committee Appointees
STACFAD WP 23-09 Time and Place of 2024–2026 Annual Meetings
STACFAD WP 23-11 Design a potential new visual identity for NAFO - Update
STACFAD WP 23-12 Design a potential new visual identity for NAFO - Next Steps
STACFAD WP 23-13 (Rev.) Data classification and access rights of the NAFO websites
STACFAD WP 23-15 (Rev.) Performance Review Recommendation #36: Design a new visual identity for NAFO



W.P No. Title
STACFAD WP 22-01 Performance Review Recommendation #36: Design a new visual identity for NAFO
STACFAD WP 22-02 (Rev.) Performance Review Recommendation #26: Data Classification–NAFO Meeting Documentation
STACFAD WP 22-03 Review of Accumulated Surplus and Funds
STACFAD WP 22-04 Amendment to the NAFO Staff Rules to Update Payroll Deposit Days Periods 
STACFAD WP 22-06 Internship Program
STACFAD WP 22-07 Report of the Annual Meeting of the International Fisheries Commissions Pension Society (IFCPS), 05-07 April 2022 
STACFAD WP 22-08 (Rev.) Performance Review Recommendation #36: Design a new visual identity for NAFO
STACFAD WP 22-09 Performance Review Recommendation #26: Data classification and access rights of the NAFO websites 
STACFAD WP 22-10 NAFO operational plan
STACFAD WP 22-12 Adoption of 2022/2023 Staff Committee Appointees  
STACFAD WP 22-14 Time and Place of 2023–2025 Annual Meetings
STACFAD WP 22-16 Staff Rules Change re: Audited Financial Statements for 2021


W.P No. Title
STACFAD WP 21-01 Performance Review Recommendation #36: Design a new visual identity for NAFO
STACFAD WP 21-03 (Rev.) Internship Program
STACFAD WP 21-04 Report of the Annual Meeting of the International Fisheries Commissions Pension Society (IFCPS) 
STACFAD WP 21-05 Design a potential new visual identity for NAFO
STACFAD WP 21-06 Data classification and access rights of the NAFO websites 
STACFAD WP 21-07 NAFO operational plan 
STACFAD WP 21-09 Adoption of 2021/2022 Staff Committee Appointees
STACFAD WP 21-10 Time and Place of 2021-2023 Annual Meetings
STACFAD WP 21-11 (Rev. 2) Review of the Recruitment Process for the NAFO Executive Secretary



W.P No. Title
STACFAD WP 20-01 Update on the NAFO websites
STACFAD WP 20-02  Review of the Recruitment Process for the NAFO Executive Secretary
STACFAD WP 20-03 Internship Program
STACFAD WP 20-04 Report of the Annual Meeting of International Fisheries Commissions Pension Society (IFCPS)
STACFAD WP 20-05 2018 Performance Review Panel recommendations
STACFAD WP 20-06 Adoption of 2020/2021 Staff Committee Appointees
STACFAD WP 20-07 Time and Place of 2021-2023 Annual Meetings



W.P No. Title
STACFAD WP 19-01 Update on the NAFO websites
STACFAD WP 19-02 Internship Program
STACFAD WP 19-03 Report of the Annual Meeting of the International Fisheries Commissions Pension Society (IFCPS)
STACFAD WP 19-04 Adoption of 2019/2020 Staff Committee Appointees
STACFAD WP 19-05 Time and Place of 2020-2022 Annual Meetings
STACFAD WP 19-06 Performance Review Fund
STACFAD WP 19-07 Report on Scientific Research and Other Trust Funds received during the period October 2018 to September 2019 (Prepared by the NAFO Secretariat)



W.P No. Title
STACFAD WP 18-01 Internship Program
STACFAD WP 18-02 Report of the Annual Meeting of the International Fisheries Commissions Pension Society (IFCPS)
STACFAD WP 18-03 Update on implementation of the NAFO Performance Review Panel (PRP) recommendations tasked to STACFAD
STACFAD WP 18-04 Adoption of 2018/2019 Staff Committee Appointees
STACFAD WP 18-05 Office Relocation Update
STACFAD WP 18-06 Time and Place of 2019-2021 Annual Meetings
STACFAD WP 18-07 Amendments to the NAFO Rules of Procedure (Proposal by Norway)
STACFAD WP 18-08 Amendments to the NAFO Financial Rules (Proposal by Secretariat) 
STACFAD WP 18-09 Report on Scientific Research and Other Trust Funds (Prepared by the NAFO Secretariat)
STACFAD WP 18-10 NAFO Website Re-Design and Launch – Phase II: NAFO Public Site (Presented by the NAFO Secretariat) 
STACFAD WP 18-11 Update of Ad Hoc Virtual NAFO Website Re-Design Working Group: Phase II – Data Classification

At the 40th Annual Meeting of NAFO in September 2018, it was agreed that working papers of the Standing Committee on Finance and Administration (STACFAD) will be publicly available on the NAFO website following a meeting, with the exception of those regarding restricted matters. Those working papers dealing with restricted matters (e.g. personnel matters) are limited to the representatives of STACFAD. 

If you require a copy, please contact Lisa LeFort, Senior Executive Assistant to the Executive Secretary (E-mail: or Tel: +1 902 468-5590 Ext. 207).

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
