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The annual meeting took place at the Albert Borschette Conference Centre, Brussels, Belgium during 11-15 September.

Quota Table for 1989

Meeting Proceedings of General Council and Fisheries Commission 1989

Scientific Council Reports 1989

Other Meetings included:

Scientific Council

  • 7-21 June, NAFO Headquarters, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada
    Regular meeting on stock assessments
  • 6-8 September, Albert Borschette Conference Centre, Brussels, Belgium
    Special Session on "Changes in biomass, production and species composition on the fish population in the Northwest Atlantic over the last 30 years, and their possible causes", with M. J. Fogarty (USA) as convener.

Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC)

  • 8-10 February, Albert Broschette Conference Centre, Brussels, Belgium
    To consider a revised Scheme of Joint International Enforcement.

Officers of the Organization

General Council
F. Hartung (GDR) (to 15 September) President of the organization and
Chairman of the General Council
K. Hoydal (Denmark in respect of Faroe Islands and Greenland) (from 15 September)
K. Hoydal (Denmark in respect of Faroe Islands and Greenland) (to 15 September) Vice-Chairman of the General Council
E. Oltuski (Cuba) (from 15 September)
M. Ibbotson (EU) Chair of STACFAD
Scientific Council
J. Beckett (Canada) (to 15 September) Chairman of the Scientific Council
B. Jones (EU) (from 15 September)
Sv. Aa. Horsted (Denmark in respect of Faroe Islands and Greenland) (to 15 September) Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council and Chairman of STACPUB
V. P. Serebryakov (USSR) (from 15 September)
H. Lassen (Denmark in respect of Faroe Islands and Greenland) Chairman of STACFIS
A. Vazquez (EU) (to 15 September) Chairman of STACREC
W. B. Brodie (Canada) (from 15 September)
Fisheries Commission
K. Yonezawa (Japan) (to 15 September) Chairman of the Fisheries Commission
J. Zygmanowski (Poland) (from 15 September)
J. Zygmanowski (Poland) (to 15 September) Vice-Chairman of the Fisheries Commission
G. Etchegary (Canada) (from 15 September)
R. J. Prier (Canada) (to 15 September) - Chairman of STACTIC
O. Muniz (Cuba) (from 15 September)
Executive Secretary
J. C. E. Cardoso

Contracting Parties (and dates):

Bulgaria (6 June 1979) Canada (30 November 1978)
Cuba (22 December 1978) Denmark (in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland (30 May 1979)
European Economic Community (EEC) 
(28 December 1978)
German Democratic Republic (GDR)
(28 December 1978)
Iceland (29 December 1978) Japan (4 January 1980)
Norway (28 December 1978) Poland (6 November 1979)
Romania (5 March 1979) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
(27 December 1978)


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
