Date |
Title |
Venue |
20-22 Mar |
GC Working Group on the development of Plans of Action for the Implementation of the Recommendations of the NAFO Performance Review Panel |
Halifax, NS, Canada |
2-4 May |
STACTIC Intersessional |
Brussels, Belgium |
4 Sep |
FC Working Group of Fishery Managers and Scientists
on Conservation Plans and Rebuilding Strategies
by WebEx |
11-13 Sep |
FC Working Group of Fishery Mangers and Scientists on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems(WGFMS-VME) |
Bergen, Norway |
17-21 Sep |
NAFO 34th Annual Meeting
Fisheries Commission
General Council
Scientific Council
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation |
Date |
Title |
Venue |
Jan-Apr |
SC Ad Hoc Working Group On Exceptional Circumstances |
by correspondence |
1-14 Jun |
Scientific Council and its Standing Committees meeting |
Dartmouth, NS, Canada |
31 Aug - 10 Sep |
Shrimp update - 7 Sep WebEx |
correspondence |
17-21 Sep |
NAFO 34th Annual Meeting
Fisheries Commission
General Council
Scientific Council
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation |
17-24 Oct |
Joint NAFO/ICES Pandalus Assessment Group |
Tromsø, Norway |
21-30 Nov |
SC Working Group on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (WGEAFM) |
Dartmouth, NS, CA |
Officers of the Organization:
General Council |
Veronika Veits (EU) |
President of the Organization and Chair of the General Council |
Temur Tairov (Russian Federation) |
Vice-Chair of the General Council |
Deirdre Warner-Kramer (USA) |
Chair of the Standing Committee on Finance and Administration (STACFAD) |
Rasmus Fuglholt (DFG) |
Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Finance and Administration (STACFAD) |
Scientific Council |
Carsten Hvingel (Norway) |
Chair of the Scientific Council |
Don Stansbury (Canada) |
Vice-Chair of the Scientific Council |
Gary Maillet (Canada) |
Chair of the Standing Committee on Fisheries Environment (STACFEN) |
Jean-Claude Mahé (EU) |
Chair of the Standing Committee on Fisheries Science (STACFIS) |
Margaret Treble (Canada) |
Chair of the Standing Committee on Publications (STACPUB) |
Don Stansbury (Canada) |
Chair of the Standing Committee on Research Coordination (STACREC) |
Fisheries Commission |
Sylvie Lapointe (Canada) |
Chair of the Fisheries Commission |
Stéphane Artano (SPM) |
Vice-Chair of the Fisheries Commission |
Gene Martin (USA) |
Chair of the Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC) |
Aronne Spezzani (EU) |
Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC) |
Executive Secretary |
Dr. Vladimir Shibanov |
Dr. Neil Campbell |
Scientific Council Coordinator |
George Campanis |
Information Technology Manager (Jan.–July) |
Dr. Ricardo Federizon |
Sr. Fisheries Commission Coordinator |
Stan Goodick |
Deputy Executive Secretary & Senior Finance and Staff Administrator |
Matt Kendall |
Information Technology Manager (from June) |
Cindy Kerr |
Senior Fisheries Information Manager |
Lisa LeFort |
Office Manager |
Barbara Marshall |
Senior Information Officer |
Beverly McLoon |
Senior Personal Assistant to the Executive Secretary |
Alexis Pacey |
Publications Manager |
Contracting Parties (and dates):
Canada (30 November 1978) |
Cuba (22 December 1978) |
Denmark (in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland (30 May 1979) |
European Union (EU) (28 December 1978) |
France (in respect of St. Pierre et Miquelon) (14 August 1996) |
Iceland (29 December 1978) |
Japan (4 January 1980) |
Norway (28 December 1978) |
Republic of Korea (21 December 1993)
Russian Federation (successor of USSR) (1 January 1992) |
Ukraine (30 August 1999) |
United States of America (29 November 1995) |