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Stocks off Greenland and in Davis Strait

Greenland halibut in SA 0+1 Adriana Nogueira Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Greenland
Greenland halibut in Div. 1A Rasmus Nygaard Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Greenland
Redfish in SA1 Rasmus Nygaard Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Greenland
Other Finfish in SA1 Rasmus Nygaard Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Greenland
Northern shrimp in SA 0+1 AnnDorte Burmeister Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Greenland
Northern shrimp in Denmark Strait Tanja B. Buch Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Greenland

Stocks on the Flemish Cap

Cod in Div. 3M Irene Garrido Fernández IEO, Vigo, (EU) Spain
Redfish in Div. 3M Ricardo Alpoim  IPMA, (EU) Portugal
Golden redfish in Div. 3M Ricardo Alpoim IPMA, (EU) Portugal
American plaice in Div. 3M Ricardo Alpoim IPMA, (EU) Portugal
Shrimp in Div. 3M J. Miquel Casas Sanchez IEO, Vigo, (EU) Spain

Stocks on the Grand Bank

Cod in Div. 3NO Rick Rideout DFO, St. John's, Canada
Redfish in Div. 3LN Andrea Perreault DFO, St. John's, Canada
American plaice in Div. 3LNO Laura Wheeland DFO, St. John's, Canada
Yellowtail flounder in Div. 3LNO Dawn Maddock Parsons DFO, St. John's, Canada
Witch flounder in Div. 3NO Dawn Maddock Parsons DFO, St. John's, Canada
Capelin in Div. 3NO Konstantin Fomin PINRO, Russia
Redfish in Div. 3O Laura Wheeland DFO, St. John's, Canada
Thorny skate in Div. 3LNO    
White hake in Div. 3NO    
Shrimp in Div. 3LNO Nicolas Le Corre DFO, St. John's, Canada

Widely Distributed Stocks

Greenland halibut in SA 2+3KLMNO Paul Regular DFO, St. John's, Canada
Witch flounder in Div. 2J3KL Laura Wheeland DFO, St. John's, Canada
Roughhead grenadier in SA 2+3 Fernando Gonzalez-Costas IEO, Vigo, (EU) Spain
Splendid alfonsino in Subarea 6 Fernando Gonzalez-Costas IEO, Vigo, (EU) Spain
Northern Shortfin Squid in SA 3+4    




Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
