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Symposia and Conferences

NAFO participates, in conjunction with other organisations, sharing similar interests on the long-term sustainability of fisheries, fish stocks and the ecosystems they occupy. These have been supported by four dedicated workshops covering a variety of specialised topics that support the work of the Scientific Council. Proceedings are published in the NAFO’s Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science or in the journal of the organising partner. A full list is given below:

NAFO Study Group on Limit Reference Points (LRPSG) (April 2004)

The report is now issued as SCS Doc. 04/12 (pdf - 1200kb)



NAFO has been engaged for a number of years in developing a precautionary approach framework for application in the management of fish stocks in the Northwest Atlantic that fall within it's ambit.

The current version of the framework is described in NAFO SCS Doc. 03/23 (pdf - 157 kb)

Background information and references are also provided in NAFO SCR Doc. 03/58 (Rev) (pdf - 455 kb)

At the Scientific Council Workshop on the Precautionary Approach held in St John's, Canada, March-April 2003 it was noted that it is the responsibility of the Scientific Council of NAFO to calculate limit reference points (LRPs). A number of approaches for LRPs have been discussed in the literature and are under consideration by ICES, ICCAT, FAO, other organizations and national fisheries agencies. NAFO recognizes that there is a need to review the strengths and weaknesses of these alternative approaches and to make recommendations to Scientific Council on which may be the most appropriate in a NAFO context. These recommendations are needed for stocks ranging from data-rich to data-poor and with a range of life-history parameters.

As a result Scientific Council recommended that a Study Group on the estimation of limit reference points (LRPSG) be established and meet in 2004 to give consideration to these issues and provide recommendations. Participation in the study-group meeting is a 'once-off' commitment, although future meetings may possibly occur. The meeting should be of interest not only to fisheries scientists involved in NAFO, but also to other scientists engaged in this area of research.

The study group met at IFREMER, Lorient, France, Thursday 15 to Tuesday 20 April 2004. A report will be presented to the Scientific Council in June.

Co-chair: Peter Shelton:(RETIRED)

Local Contact: Jean-Claude Mahé: (RETIRED)

Contact Information of participants. 

The following are the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Study Group:

1. Review the properties of alternative LRPs, including the ability to quantify risk, and determine strengths and weaknesses of various alternatives.

2. Provide guidance regarding the most appropriate approaches for stocks ranging from data rich to data poor and for a range of life-history strategies.

3. Provide example applications to Subarea 2 + Div. 3KLMNO Greenland halibut, Div. 3LNO yellowtail flounder and Div. 3LNO thorny skate based on existing and recent biological, fisheries and survey data; recent stock assessments; and management measures. Other example stocks may also be explored.

The format of the meeting will comprise plenary presentation and discussion sessions, work within subgroups on application of methods to the stocks under consideration, formulation of recommendations and report writing


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
