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NAFO Resolutions

The summary of NAFO resolutions provide information on the current status of resolutions for international regulation of the fisheries in the Regulatory Area.

Resolution (2/23)               

Resolution relating to addressing the Impact of Climate Change on NAFO Fisheries, adopted by the Commission on 22 September 2023.

NAFO/COM Doc. 23-13

Proposed: 22 September 2023
In force: 22 September 2023

Resolution (1/23)

Non-Binding Resolution relating to Core Principles on Labour Standards in NAFO Fisheries, adopted by the Commission on 22 September 2023.

NAFO/COM Doc. 23-26

Proposed: 22 September 2023
In force: 22 September 2023


Resolution (1/17)


Resolution on communicating measures taken to protect Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the NAFO area to other national authorities regulating industries other than fishing, adopted by the Commission of NAFO on 22 September 2017.

NAFO/COM Doc. 17-28


Proposed: 22 September 2017
In force: 22 September 2017


Resolution (1/12)

Resolution on the protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems from activities other than fishing, adopted by the Fisheries Commission of NAFO on 21 September 2012.

NAFO/FC Doc. 12/29


Proposed: 21 September 2012
In force: 21 September 2012


Resolution (1/08)

Resolution on the interpretation and implementation of the Convention on the Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, adopted by  the General Council on 26 September 2008.

NAFO/GC Doc. 08/3


Proposed: 26 September 2008
In force: 26 September 2008

Resolution (1/06)

Resolution to reduce Sea Turtle mortality in NAFO fishing operations, adopted by the Fisheries Commission of NAFO on 22 September 2006.

NAFO/FC Doc. 06/7


Proposed: 22 September 2006
In force: 22 September 2006

Resolution (2/99)

Resolution to guide implementation of the Precautionary Approach within NAFO, adopted by the Fisheries Commission on 17 September 1999.   

NAFO/FC Doc. 99/13


Proposed: 17 September 1999
In force: 17 September 1999


Resolution (1/99)

Resolution to guide the expectations of future new members with regard to fishing opportunities in the NAFO Regulatory Area, adopted by the General Council on 17 September 1999.

NAFO/GC Doc. 99/8

Proposed: 17 September 1999
In force: 17 September 1999

Resolution (1/97)

Resolution relating to the non-participation of Bulgaria and Romania in NAFO, adopted by the General Council on 19 September 1997.

NAFO/GC Doc. 97/7

Proposed: 19 September 1997
In force: 19 September 1997

Resolution (1/95)

Resolution that Subareas 2 and 3 shall, as regards of the management of Greenland halibut, be geographically divided in two (2) parts, adopted by the Fisheries Commission on 9 June 1995.


Proposed: 9 June 1995
In force: 9 June 1995

Resolution (1/94)

Resolution on report by the Standing Committee on Fishing Activities of Non-Contracting Parties in the Regulatory Area (STACFAC), adopted by the General Council on 23 September 1994.

NAFO/GC Doc. 94/8

Proposed: 23 September 1994
In force: 23 September 1994

Resolution (1/93)

Resolution on the report of the Standing Committee on Fishing Activities of Non-Contracting Parties in the Regulatory Area (STACFAC), adopted by the General Council on 10 September 1994.

NAFO/GC Doc. 93/5

Proposed: 10 September 1993
In force: 10 September 1993

Addendum to Resolution (1/93)


NAFO/GC Doc. 93/5


Resolution (1/90)

Resolution on non-NAFO fishing activities, adopted by the General Council on 14 September 1990.

NAFO/GC Doc. 90/8 and 90/10

Proposed: 14 September 1990
In force: 14 September 1990


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
