Northwest Atlantic
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NAFO Data and Statistics

The NAFO Secretariat is a repository of information and meta-data related to the fishery, including catch statistics, scientific literature, fisheries management documentation and GIS (geographic information system) resources.

The NAFO Secretariat maintains the fishery catch statistics for FAO Area 21 (the Northwest Atlantic) which include both summary catch info and detailed catch and effort information. NAFO is also a founding member of the FAO's Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP).

NAFO Secretariat also maintains geo-spatial data pertaining to NAFO Subareas and Divisions, the NAFO fishing footprint and NAFO closed areas. The NAFO Secretariat is also the centre for the Vessel Monitoring Sysytem (VMS). These data are confidential and are used mostly for compliance purposes. In recent years, some summarized data has been used by Scientific Council to advise on fisheries interactions with areas where VME indicator species (mainly sponges and corals) are known to occur.

NAFO also participates in FAO data projects such as FIRMS. NAFO has also contributed to D4-Science and is a contributor to the FAO VME database.

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
