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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2011 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents


Doc No.



SCR 11/01
Oceanographic Investigations off West Greenland 2010
SCR 11/02 Paramonov Depth of catch of redfish (Sebastes mentella) and dependence of CPUE and length-weight characteristics from the depth of catch in North Atlantic
SCR 11/03 Rikhter & Bukatin Comparative analysis of year-classes strength of some commercial fishes in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and adjacent seas
SCR 11/04

Fock & Stransky

Stock Abundance Indices and Length Compositions of Demersal Redfish and Other Finfish in NAFO Sub-area 1 and near bottom water temperature derived from the German bottom trawl survey 1982-2010

SCR 11/05

González-Troncoso et al.

Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2010

SCR 11/06

González-Troncoso et al.

Yellowtail flounder, redfish (Sebastes spp) and Witch flounder indices from the Spanish Survey conducted in Divisions 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area

SCR 11/07

González-Troncoso et al.

Biomass and length distribution for Roughhead grenadier, Thorny skate and White hake from the surveys conducted by Spain in NAFO 3NO

SCR 11/08

Patrocinio Ibarrola & Paz

Discards and by-catch in Spanish fleet targeting Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in NAFO Divisions 3LMNO: 2008 and 2009.

SCR 11/09 Jørgensen

Survey for Greenland Halibut in NAFO Divisions 1C-1D, 2010

SCR 11/10 Jørgensen Bottom trawl survey in Baffin Bay, NAFO Divisions 1A, 2010
SCR 11/11 Yashayaev & Greenan Environmental conditions in the Labrador Sea in 2010
SCR 11/12 Greenan et al. Oceanographic Observations in Support of Defining Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the NAFO Regulatory Area
SCR 11/13 Maillet et al.

Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Conditions on the Newfoundland
and Labrador Shelf, Grand Banks, Scotian Shelf, and the Gulf of Maine During 2010

SCR 11/14

Petrie et al.

Physical Oceanographic Conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the eastern Gulf of Maine (NAFO areas 4V,W,X) during 2010

SCR 11/15

Bradshaw et al.

Integrated Science Data Management - NAFO Report 2010

SCR 11/16

Colbourne et al.

An Assessment of the Physical Oceanographic Environment on the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelf in NAFO Subareas 2 and 3 during 2010

SCR 11/17


Report on Greenland Halibut caught during the 2010 Trawl Survey in NAFO Division 0A

SCR 11/18

Tretyakov et al.

Capelin Stock Assessment in NAFO Divisions 3NO Based on Data from Trawl Surveys

SCR 11/19

Román et al.

Results for the Spanish Survey in the NAFO Regulatory Area of Division 3L for the period 2003-2010

SCR 11/20

Román et al.

Results for the Atlantic cod, roughhead grenadier, redfish, thorny skate and black dogfish of the Spanish Survey in the NAFO Div. 3L for the period 2003-2010

SCR 11/21

Casas & González-Troncoso

Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of June-July 2010

SCR 11/22

Simpson et al.

An Assessment of White Hake (Urophycis tenuis, Mitchill 1815) in NAFO Divisions 3N, 3O, and Subdivision 3Ps

SCR 11/23

Mandado & Vázquez

On otoliths sampling

SCR 11/24

Nygaard & Jørgensen 

Biomass and Abundance of Demersal Fish Stocks off West Greenland Estimated from the Greenland Shrimp Fish Survey, 1988-2010

SCR 11/25

Nygaard et al.

Assessment of Other Finfish in NAFO Subarea 1

SCR 11/26

Ávila de Melo et al.

An Assessment of Beaked Redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO Division 3M (With an Approach to the Likely Impact of Recent 3M Cod Growth on Redfish Natural Mortality) 

SCR 11/27

Jørgensen & Treble

 Assessment of the Greenland Halibut Stock Component in NAFO Subarea 0 + Division 1A Offshore + Divisions 1B-1F

SCR 11/28


Validation of Flemish Cap cod ageing

SCR 11/29

Brodie et al.

An assessment of the witch flounder resource in NAFO Divisions 3NO

SCR 11/30


Hydrographic conditions off West Greenland in 2010 in context of interannual and long-term variability based on in situ and satellite observations

SCR 11/31


Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO: Stock Trends based on annual Canadian Research Vessel survey results during 1978-2010

SCR 11/32

 R.M. Rideout et al.

An assessment of American plaice in NAFO Div. 3LNO

SCR 11/33

Maddock Parsons et al.

Assessment of NAFO Div. 3LNO Yellowtail Flounder

SCR 11/34

Maddock Parsons

Divisions 3LNO Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) in the 2009 and 2010 -  Canadian Stratified Bottom Trawl Surveys

SCR 11/35


Greenland Halibut in NAFO Sub-area 2 & Divisions 3KLMNO – An update of Statistical Catch at Age Formulation to assess the Resource

SCR 11/36


An Assessment of Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in  NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO

SCR 11/37

Maddock Parsons

Witch Flounder, American Plaice and Yellowtail Flounder in Canadian Spring and Autumn Surveys: Time Series Stock Distribution Maps

SCR 11/38

González-Troncoso & Vázquez

Assessment of the Cod Stock in NAFO Division 3M

SCR 11/39

Shelton & Morgan

Further considerations regarding reference points, harvest control rules and rebuilding strategies for 3LNO American plaice and 3NO cod

SCR 11/40

Nygaard et al.

Assessment of Demersal Redfish in NAFO Subarea 1

SCR 11/41

Alpoim & Ávila de Melo

An Assessment of American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) in NAFO Division 3M

SCR 11/42


Evolution and implementation of a management strategy for NAFO Subarea 2 and Divs. 3KLMNO Greenland halibut fishery

SCR 11/43

Nygaard & Boje 

Standardized logbooks from the inshore longline fishery on Greenland halibut in the inshore part of Div. 1A

SCR 11/44

Brodie et al.

The Canadian fishery for Greenland halibut in SA 2 + Div. 3KLMNO, with emphasis on 2010

SCR 11/45 Casas Sánchez Division 3M Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) – Interim Monitoring Update
SCR 11/46 Orr & Sullivan

Divisions 3LNO Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) – Interim Monitoring Update

SCR 11/47 González-Troncoso & González-Costas New projections from the assessment of the Cod Stock in NAFO Division 3M
SCR 11/48 Butterworth & Rademeyer On “Exceptional Circumstances” Provisions for the Management Strategy for the Greenland Halibut Stock in Subarea 2 + Divisions 3KLMNO  based especially on Survey Results occurring Outside the Range Simulated
SCR 11/49 Orr & Sullivan The 2011 assessment of the Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Kroyer) resource in NAFO Divisions 3LNO
SCR 11/50 Retzel A preliminary estimate of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) biomass in West Greenland offshore waters (NAFO Subarea 1) for 2011 and recent changes in the spatial overlap with Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)  
SCR 11/51 Kingsley Catch Table Update for the West Greenland Shrimp Fishery
SCR 11/52 Kingsley
The Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off West Greenland, 1970–2011
SCR 11/53 Kingsley

Pandalus montagui in the West Greenland shrimp fishery, 2001–2010

SCR 11/54 Siegstad The Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Denmark Strait / off East Greenland – 2011
SCR 11/55 Kingsley et al. The West Greenland trawl survey for Pandalus borealis, 2011, with reference to earlier results
SCR 11/56 Siegstad Results of the Greenland Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) Off East Greenland (ICES Subarea XIV b), 2008-2011
SCR 11/57 Kingsley Bycatch rates in the West Greenland shrimp fishery, 1975–2010
SCR 11/58 Kingsley A Provisional Assessment of the Shrimp Stock off West Greenland in 2011
SCR 11/59 Casas  The Spanish Shrimp Fishery on Flemish Cap (Division 3M) and Division 3L in 2010
SCR 11/60 Casas Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) on Flemish Cap Surveys 2011
SCR 11/61 Casas et al. Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Krøyer) from Spanish Bottom Trawl Survey 2011 in NAFO Div. 3LNO
SCR 11/62 Casas Assessment of the International Fishery for Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Division 3M (Flemish Cap), 1993-2011
SCR 11/63 Bakanev et al. Results of Russian investigations of the northern shrimp in the Barents Sea in 2004-2011
SCR 11/64 Søvik & Thangstad Results of the Norwegian Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Skagerrak and the Norwegian Deep (ICES Divisions IIIa and IVa east) in 2011
SCR 11/65 Hvingel et al. Research survey information regarding northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Barents Sea and Svalbard area 2004-2011
SCR 11/66 Hvingel & Thangstad The Norwegian fishery for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Barents Sea and round Svalbard 1970-2011
SCR 11/67 Munch-Petersen et al. Discarding in the shrimp fisheries in Skagerrak and the Norwegian Deep (ICES Divs. IIIa and IVa east)
SCR 11/68 Søvik & Thangstad The Norwegian Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Skagerrak and the  Norwegian Deep (ICES Divisions IIIa and IVa east), 1970-2011
SCR 11/69 Munch-Petersen et al. The Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) Stock in Skagerrak and the Norwegian Deep (ICES Divisions IIIa and IVa East) (ICES Divisions IIIa and IVa East)
SCR 11/70 Siegstad & Hammeken Arboe Occurrence of Pandalus montagui in Trawl Survey Samples from NAFO Subareas 0+1
SCR 11/71 Hvingel  Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Barents Sea – stock assessment 2011
SCR 11/72 Cogswell et al. Layers Utilized by an ArcGIS model to Approximate Commercial Coral and Sponge Bycatch in the NAFO Regulatory Area
SCR 11/73 Murillo et al. New VME indicator species (excluding corals and sponges) and some potential VME elements of the NAFO Regulatory Area
SCR 11/74 Murillo et al. New data on deep-water corals and large sponges from Spanish/EU and Canadian bottom trawl groundfish surveys in the NAFO Regulatory Area (Divs. 3LMNO): 2008-2010 period
SCR 11/75 Kenchington et al. Development of Encounter Protocols and Assessment of Significant Adverse Impact by Bottom Trawling for Sponge Grounds and Sea Pen Fields in the NAFO Regulatory Area
SCR 11/76 Shelton & Healey

Evaluating exceptional circumstances in the context of the Greenland halibut management strategy evaluation based on the 2011 stock assessment

SCR 11/77 Pérez-Rodríguez et al.

Analysis of common trends in the feeding habits of main demersal fish species on the Flemish Cap


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

