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ICNAF Documents

Before 1965 all ICNAF documents had the designation "Meeting Documents", with no distinction between those presented for consideration at scientific meetings and those for consideration by commissioners. From 1965 to 1972, meeting documents were issued in two series, designated as "Commissioners' Documents" and "Research Documents".

Starting in 1973, a further subdivision occurred with the issue of the "Summary Documents" series, to which were assigned all mid-term reports of meetings of the Commission and of its committees, subcommittees and working groups, all research and statistical papers prepared by the ICNAF Secretariat, all national research reports, and reports of meetings of other organizations on matters relevant to ICNAF.

ICNAF - Summary Documents

ICNAF - Summary Documents - 1975

Doc. No.

Serial No.




3420 ICNAF Proceedings of Fifth Special Commission Meeting, Miami, Florida, USA, 11-15 November 1974 (Publ. in ICNAF Meet. Proc. 1974/75: 5-47).


3424 NEAFC Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission, Twelfth Meeting, 26 June-2 July 1974: press notice


3425 NEAFC Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission, Mid-term Meeting, 4-8 November 1974: press notice


3423 ICNAF Secretariat Stock records for some species considered at the 1974 Assessments Meetings


3437 ICNAF Report of meetings of Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (STACRES), Special Meeting, January 1975 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1975: 5-9)


3441 ICNAF Proceedings of Sixth Special Commission Meeting, Bergen, Norway, 13-18 January 1975 (Publ. in ICNAF Meet. Proc. 1974/75: 49-79)


3442 ICNAF Report of Meeting of ICNAF Environmental Working Group, Charlottenlund, Denmark, 23-25 September 1974 (see ICNAF Redbook 1975: 91)


3447 NEAFC Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission, Special Meeting, 13-15 January 1975: press notice


3500 ICNAF Report of Joint ICNAF/NEAFC Meeting on International Control, Leningrad, USSR, 4-7 March 1975 (Publ. in ICNAF Meet. Proc. 1974/75: 81-125)


3456 ICNAF Secretariat Nominal catches of finfish, and squids in Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6, 1964-73


3466 ICNAF Secretariat. Efficiency of sampling the major fisheries of the Northwest Atlantic in 1973


3474 IkedaA, Ikuo. Japanese research report, 1974


3476 Lopez-Veiga, E. C., J. R. Fuertes, and E. Labarta Spanish research report, 1974


3485 ICNAF Secretariat Major CWP recommendations of direct importance to ICNAF


3487 May, A. W., and J. S. Scott Canadian research report, 1974


3490 ANON. United States research report, 1974


3495 ICNAF Report of Biological Surveys Subcommittee, April 1975 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1975: 65-73)


3498 ICNAF Report of Assessments Subcommittee, April 1975 (Publ. in ICNAF Redbook 1975: 23-63)


3499 ICNAF Report of Herring Working Group, April 1975


3567 CWP Secretary ADP developments in the STATLANT Forms NS, A and B


3572 CWP Secretary Report of the Eighth Session of the CWP (Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics), Paris France, 12-20 September 1974 (see also FAO Fish. Rept. No. 156)


3577 ICNAF Secretariat Procedures for weather reporting by fishing vessels


3578 ICNAF Secretariat Summary of trawl materials and mesh size sampling, 1974


3579 Jones, B. W. United Kingdom research report, 1974


3644 ANON. French research report, 1974 + Addendum


3581 ICNAF Secretariat Provisional nominal catches in 1974 by country and stock area for species proposed for regulation in 1976


3533 Ulltang, Ø., and T. Øritsland Norwegian research report, 1974


3536 Giedz, M., A. Paciorkowski, and E. Stanek Polish research report, 1974


3545 Ernst, P., U. Berth, and H. Ritzhaupt GDR research report, 1974


3546 Konstantinov, K. G., and A. S. Noskov USSR research report, 1974


3589 Horsted, Sv. Aa., E. Smidt, F. Hermann, and H. H. Valeur Danish research report for 1974 + Addendum


3590 ICNAF Secretariat Provisional nominal catches in the Northwest Atlantic, 1974 (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 24: 26-64)


3591 ICNAF Secretariat Provisional sealing statistics for the Northwest Atlantic in 1974 (see ICNAF Stat. Bull. Vol. 24: 253-254)
75/34 3592 ICNAF Secretariat Extracts from resolutions passed at the 1974 ICES Meeting relevant to research and statistical activities of ICNAF
75/35 3596 ICNAF Secretariat Report on statistical activities during the year 1974/75
75/36 3612 Meyer, A., J. Messtorff, and H. Dornheim Federal Republic of Germany research report, 1974 + Corrigendum
75/37 3613 CWP Secretary. Discrepancies in ICNAF and FAO catch statistics by species items
75/38 3616 Ulltang, Ø. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea I, Statistical Area 0 and off East Greenland in 1974 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 25, p. 105)
75/39 3617 Clark, S., and V. C. Anthony Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6 in 1974 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 25, p. 105)
75/40 3618 Pinhorn, A. T. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 2 in 1974 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 25, p. 105).
75/41 3619 Halliday, R. G. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 4 in 1974 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 25, p. 105)
75/42 3621 Parrish, B. B. Status of fisheries and research carried out in Subarea 3 in 1974 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 25, p. 105)
75/43 3622 Dumitrescu, V., and G. Vaslaban Romanian research report for 1974
75/44 3628 Mansfield, A. W. Status of harp and hooded seal fisheries and research carried out in 1974 (see ICNAF Annu. Rept. Vol. 25, p. 105)
75/45 3668 ICNAF Secretariat Statistics on discards, 1973
75/46 3669 NEAFC Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission, Thirteenth Annual Meeting, 21-28 May 1975: press notice
75/47 3722   Report of scientific advisers to Panel A (Seals), Ottawa, Canada, 17-19 November 1975 (see ICNAF Redbook 1976: 193-196)

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
