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Statistical Bulletin - ICNAF and NAFO

Complete statistical data have been published in the Statistical Bulletin since 1951. The printed version of the statistics were discontinued after Vol. 49 - 1999. The electronic database of the STATLANT 21 data are updated regularly as new information becomes available. These are listed according to published date.

Statistical Bulletin Supplementary Issue Fishery Statistics for 1960-90


STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 41 for the year 1991

28 February 1995

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 41 for the year 1991

28 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out with four part s: Part I contains summaries of catches of
selected finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1977-91 ; Part II contains the statistics
of nominal catches and fishing effort for 1991; Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for
1991; and Part IV contains additional statistics to previous issues of the Bulletin . In tables where various
groups of species are used, they are in accordance with those listed in the "Definitions and Abbreviations" .
Further details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the te xt at the beginning of each Part.

The Secretariat is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of countries through their statistical agencies
in maintaining records of their fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic and contributing the data for publication
in the Bulletin. In addition, the guidance of the Scientific Council and the Coordinating Working Party on
A tlan tic Fishery Stati s tic s has been in valuable .

The delayed publication of this issue was due to the very late receipt of some final statistics.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 40 for the year 1990

28 February 1994

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 40 for the year 1990

27.85 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out with four parts : Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1976-90; Part II contains the statistics of
nominal catches and fishing effort for 1990; Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for 1990;
and Part IV contains additional statistics to previous issues of the Bulletin . In tables where various groups
of species are used, they are in accordance with those listed in the "Definitions and Abbreviations". Further
details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the beginning of each Part.

The Secretariat is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of countries through their statistical agencies
in maintaining records of their fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic and contributing the data for publication
in the Bulletin. In addition, the guidance of the Scientific Council and the Coordinating Working Party on
Atlantic Fishery Statistics has been invaluable.

The delayed publication of this issue was due to the very late receipt of some final statistics.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 39 for the year 1989

26 February 1993

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 39 for the year 1989

26.16 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out with four parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1975-89; Part II contains the statistics of
nominal catches and fishing effort for 1989; Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for 1989;
and Part IV contains additional statistics to previous issues of the Bulletin. In tables where various groups
of species are used, they are in accordance with those listed in the "Definitions and Abbreviations". Further
details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the beginning of each Part .

The Secretariat is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of countries through their statistical agencies
in maintaining records of their fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic and contributing the data for publication
in the Bulletin. In addition, the guidance of the Scientific Council and the Coordinating Working Party on
Atlantic Fishery Statistics has been invaluable .

The delayed publication of this issue was due to the very late receipt of some final statistics.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 38 for the year 1988

28 February 1991

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 38 for the year 1988

26.63 MB

This issue, Volume 38 for 1988 data, contains the most recent year of completed data available
to the Secretariat. The data were derived from STATLANT 21B8 reports by countries which are subject to
the Regulations of NAFO and by non-member states, which reported fishing operations in the Northwest
Atlantic during 1988. Data on quantities of fish and invertebrates are presented as ''nominal catches" (i.e.
live weight equivalent of the landings) in metric tons, and data for seaweeds are given as wet weight in
metric tons. Catches of seals are given as numbers of animals. The statistics are presented on a calendar
year basis and by month, where applicable. The tabular material in this issue was prepared directly from
computer compilations, utilizing the Secretariat's own IBM Compatible PC-NEC 386 with an NEC LC-890
Laser Silentwriter and printed at the Secretariat.

This issue of the Bulletin is set out with four parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1974-88; Part II contains the statistics of
nominal catches and fishing effort for 1988; Pan Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for 1988;
and Part IV , contains corrections to previous issues of the Bulletin. In tables where various groups of
species are used, they are in accordance with those listed in the "Definitions and Abbreviations". Further
details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the beginning of each Part.

The delayed publication of this issue was due to the very late receipt of some final statistics.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 37 for the year 1987

30 April 1990

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 37 for the year 1987

25.04 MB

This issue, Volume 37 for 1987 data, contains the most recent year of completed data
available to the Secretariat. The data were derived from STATLANT 21B reports by countries which
are subject to the Regulations of NAFO and by non-member states, which reported fishing operations
in the Northwest Atlantic during 1987. Data on quantities of fish and invertebrates are presented as
"nominal catches" (i.e . live weight equivalent of the landings) in metric tons, and data for seaweeds
are given as wet weight in metric tons. Catches of seals are given as numbers of animals. The
statistics are presented on a calendar year basis and by month, where applicable. The tabular
material in this issue was prepared directly from computer compilations, utilizing the Secretariat's own
IBM Compatible PC-NEC 386 with an NEC LC-890 Laser Silentwriter and printed at the Secretariat.

This issue of the Bulletin is set out with four parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of
selected finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1973-87; Part II contains the
statistics of nominal catches and fishing effort for 1987; Part Ill contains the seal catches and
hunting effort for 1987; and Part IV, contains corrections to previous issues of the Bulletin. In tables
where various groups of species are used, they are in accordance with those listed in the "Definitions
and Abbreviations". Further details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the
beginning of each Part.

The delayed publication of this issue was due to the very late receipt of some
final statistics.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 36 for the year 1986

30 October 1989

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 36 for the year 1986

25.76 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out with three of the usual four parts: Part I
contains summaries of catches of selected finfish and invertebrate species by country
and subarea for 1972-86; Part II contains the statistics of nominal catches and
fishing effort for 1986; Part III contains the seal catches and hunting effort for
1986. Part IV, if present, would contain corrections to previous issues of the
Bulletin. In tables where various groups of species are used, they are in accordance
with those listed in the "Definitions and Abbreviations". Further details of the
tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the beginning of each Part.

The delayed publication of this issue was due to the very late receipt of some
final statistics.

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 35 for the year 1985

31 December 1987

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 35 for the year 1985

24.8 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out in four parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1971-85; Part II contains the statistics of
nominal catches and fishing effort for 1985; Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for 1985;
and Part IV, if present, contains corrections to previous issues of the Bulletin. In tables where various
groups of species are used, the groups and group names are in accordance with those in the " List of
Northwest Atlantic Species". Further details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the
beginning of each Part and in the section entitled " Definitions and Abbreviations".

The Secretariat is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of countries through their statistical agencies
in maintaining records of their fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic and contributing the data for publication
in the Bulletin . In addition, the guidance of the Scientific Council and its Standing Committee on
Research Coordination and the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics has been

The delayed publication of this issue (Vol. 35) was due to the very late receipt of final statistics from the
Gulf Region of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans .

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 34 for the year 1984

31 December 1986

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 34 for the year 1984

23.42 MB

This issue of the Bulletin is set out in four parts: Part I contains summaries of catches of selected
finfish and invertebrate species by country and subarea for 1970-84; Part II contains the statistics of
nominal catches and fishing effort for 1984; Part Ill contains the seal catches and hunting effort for 1984 ;
and Part IV, if present, contains corrections to previous issues of the Bulletin. In tables where various
groups of species are used , the groups and group names are in accordance with those in the " List of
Northwest Atlantic Species" . Further details of the tabular presentation of data are given in the text at the
beginning of each Part and in the section entitled "Definitions and Abbreviations".

The Secretariat is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of countries through their statistical agencies
in maintaining records of their fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic and contributing the data for publication
in the Bulletin . In addition , the guidance of the Scientific Council and its Standing Committee on
Research Coordination and the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics has been

The delayed publication of this issue (Vol. 34) was due to the very late receipt of final statistics from the
Gulf Region of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans .


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
