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Statistical Bulletin - ICNAF and NAFO

Complete statistical data have been published in the Statistical Bulletin since 1951. The printed version of the statistics were discontinued after Vol. 49 - 1999. The electronic database of the STATLANT 21 data are updated regularly as new information becomes available. These are listed according to published date.

Statistical Bulletin Supplementary Issue Fishery Statistics for 1960-90


STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 25 for the year 1975

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 24 for the year 1974

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 23 for the year 1973

STATISTICAL BULLETIN VOL 22 for the year 1972

STATISTICAL BULLETIN Vol. 21 for the year 1971

STATISTICAL BULLETIN Vol. 20 for the year 1970

STATISTICAL BULLETIN Vol. 19 for the year 1969

STATISTICAL BULLETIN Vol. 18 for the year 1968


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
