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Scientific Council


The Scientific Council Documents consist of two series.
Scientific Council Research (SCR) documents contain contributions of individual scientists and laboratories on matters relevant to the work of Scientific Council. SCR documents are not formally reviewed.

Scientific Council Summary (SCS) documents contain reports of meetings of the Council, its Committees and Working Groups, national research reports, reports of meetings of other international organizations or matters relevant to the work of NAFO, and all research and statistical reports prepared for meetings by the NAFO Secretariat.
NAFOdown is an R package designed to simplify the process of creating and updating NAFO documents. The package utilizes the bookdown package which facilitates the integration of Markdown syntax and R code and, as such, effectively provides a “one-stop-shop” tool through which analyses, plots, tables, and text can be written in parallel and knit into a stand-alone and reproducible document. 

Guidelines for authors - SCR docs.  Guidelines for authors - SCS docs.  

NAFOdown - R package


Guidelines for authors - publications

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
