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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2023 Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents

Doc No.

Serial No.



SCR Doc. 23/001

N7371 Perreault A., Rogers B., Varkey D.

Data selection for 3LN redfish in preparation for an updated management strategy evaluation

SCR Doc. 23/002 N7379 Irene Garrido, Diana González-Troncoso, Fernando González-Costas, Esther Román and Lupe Ramilo Results of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO
SCR Doc. 23/003 N7381 Diana González-Troncoso, Sonia Rábade, Jose Miguel Casas Sánchez, Irene Garrido, Mariña Fabeiro, Esther Román and Ricardo Alpoim Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of June-July 2022
SCR Doc. 23/004REV N7384 Luis Ridao Cruz and Petur Steingrund Survey results of the longline survey on NAFO Division 3M
SCR Doc. 23/005 N7387 John Mortensen Report on hydrographic conditions off West Greenland June-July 2022
SCR Doc. 23/006 N7392 Rideout, R.M., and Regular, P.M. Examining inconsistencies in the NAFO Scientific Council traffic light approach used to provide science advice, and the development of consistent rules within a Shiny Application
SCR Doc. 23/007 N7394 Paul Regular Data proposed for use in Operating Models for the 2023 Management Strategy Evaluation Review for Greenland Halibut in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO
SCR Doc. 23/008REV N7395 RA Rademeyer and DS Butterworth Updated SCAA Base Case Assessment and sensitivities for Greenland Halibut
SCR Doc. 23/009 N7396 Irene Garrido, Diana González-Troncoso and Fernando González-Costas  Assessment of the Cod Stock in NAFO Division 3M
SCR Doc. 23/010REV N7397 RA Rademeyer and DS Butterworth

Results for Greenland Halibut Candidate Management Procedure Trials

Addendum: Results for Greenland Halibut Candidate Management Procedure Trials

SCR Doc. 23/011 N7398 Irene Garrido, Fernando González-Costas and Diana González-Troncoso Analysis of the Flemish Cap cod fishery: monitoring of the consequences of the management decisions
SCR Doc. 23/012REV N7399 Adriana Nogueira and Daniel Estévez-Barcia Results for Greenland halibut survey in NAFO Divisions 1C-1D for the period 1997-2017, 2019 and 2022
SCR Doc. 23/013 N7400 Rasmus Nygaard, Søren L. Post, Anja Retzel, Karl Zinglersen, Lars Heilmann, Sofie R. Jeremiassen, Signe Jeremiassen, Louise Mølgaard and Jørgen Sethsen. Biomass and Abundance of Demersal Fish Stocks in the Nuuk fjord and Ameralik fjord derived from the GINR Shrimp and fish inshore (SFI) survey.
SCR Doc. 23/014 N7401 Nick Gullage, Paul M. Regular and Divya Varkey  Update of Base Case SSM and Investigation of Impacts of EU-Spain 3L Survey Data for Greenland Halibut in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO
SCR Doc. 23/015 N7402 N. Gullage, P.M. Regular, and D. Varkey Exploring the effect of missing survey indices on TAC for Greenland halibut in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO
SCR Doc. 23/016 N7403 D. Maddock Parsons, Katherine Skanes and Rick Rideout.  2023 Assessment of Yellowtail Flounder in NAFO Divisions 3LNO
SCR Doc. 23/017 N7404 D. Bélanger, G. Maillet, and P. Pepin Biogeochemical oceanographic conditions in the Northwest Atlantic (NAFO subareas 2-3-4) during 2022
SCR Doc. 23/018 N7405 Paula Fratantoni Hydrographic Conditions on the Northeast United States Continental Shelf in 2022 – NAFO Subareas 5 and 6
SCR Doc. 23/019 N7406 Trajce Alcinov NAFO STACFEN MEDS Report 2022
SCR Doc. 23/020 N7407 Nygaard and Nogueira Biomass and Abundance of Demersal Fish Stocks off West and East Greenland estimated from the Greenland Institute of Natural resources (GINR) Shrimp and Fish Survey (SFW), 1990-2020, and 2022
SCR Doc. 23/021 N7408 Rasmus Nygaard  Trawl and gillnet survey results from the Disko Bay, NAFO Division 1A Inshore
SCR Doc. 23/022 N7409 Rasmus Nygaard  Survey results from the Uummannaq gillnet survey in NAFO Division 1A inshore.
SCR Doc. 23/023 N7410 Irene Garrido, Dawn Parsons, Fernando González-Costas and Diana González-Troncoso Precautionary Approach Review progress: Different advices produced under the alternative PA frameworks for example stocks (3M cod and 3LNO yellowtail flounder)
SCR Doc. 23/024 N7411 R. Alpoim An Assessment of American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) in NAFO Division 3M
SCR Doc. 23/025 N7413 P. Gonçalves, R. Alpoim, and A. Ávila de Melo Redfish Div. 3M: Biological Reference Points and advice under the PA alternative framework
SCR Doc. 23/026 N7414 Perreault A., and Hatefi F. Preliminary operating models for the 3LN redfish management strategy evaluation
SCR Doc. 23/027 N7415 Perreault A., and Hatefi F. Supplementary Materials for: Preliminary operating models for the 3LN redfish management strategy evaluation
SCR Doc. 23/028 N7417 Rasmus Nygaard  Commercial data for the Greenland halibut fishery in the Uummannaq area. 
SCR Doc. 23/029 N7420 Kevin J. Hedges Report on Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) caught during the 2022 trawl survey in Subarea 0
SCR Doc. 23/030 N7419 Rasmus Nygaard  Commercial data for the Greenland halibut fishery in the Upernavik area. 
SCR Doc. 23/031REV N7420 Adriana Nogueira, AnnDorte Burmeister, Kevin J. Hedges, and Alex Kokkalis Applying a stochastic surplus production model (SPiCT) to the Greenland halibut Sub. 0+1 offshore
SCR Doc. 23/032REV N7421 A. Nogueira, H. Christiansen and K.J. Hedges

Comparison of vessels used for the Greenland shallow fish and shrimp survey in NAFO Division 1A-F

SCR Doc. 23/033 N7422 Rasmus Nygaard  Commercial data for the Greenland halibut fishery in the Disko Bay. 
SCR Doc. 23/034 N7423 A. Nogueira, and K.J. Hedges Data available for the Greenland Halibut Stock Component inNAFO Subarea 0 + 1 (offshore)
SCR Doc. 23/035 N7424 Divya Varkey, Nick Gullage, Paul M. Regular, and Rajeev Kumar Review and Update of the State-Space Management Strategy Evaluation for Greenland Halibut in NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO with mseSurv
SCR Doc. 23/036 N7425 K. Sosebee, M.R. Simpson, and C.M. Miri An Assessment of White Hake (Urophycis tenuis, Mitchill 1815) in NAFO Divisions 3N, 3O, and Subdivision 3Ps
SCR Doc. 23/037 N7426 Rasmus Nygaard  Survey results from the Upernavik Gillnet survey, NAFO Division 1Ainshore. 
SCR Doc. 23/038 N7427 Igor Yashayaev 2022 Oceanographic Conditions in the Labrador Sea in the Context of Seasonal, Interannual and Multidecadal Changes
SCR Doc. 23/039 N7428 Rasmus Nygaard Assessment of Demersal Redfish in NAFO Subarea 1
SCR Doc. 23/040 N7429 R. Alpoim, P. Gonçalves, A. Ávila de Melo, F. Saborido-Rey, M. Fabeiro, Sonia Rábade, D. González-Troncoso, F. González-Costas and M. Pochtar An update assessment of beaked redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO Division 3M 
SCR Doc. 23/041 N7430 Rasmus Nygaard Assessment of wolffish in NAFO subarea 1
SCR Doc. 23/042 N7431 L. Wheeland, S. Trueman, and R.M. Rideout Coverage of the 2022 Canadian (Newfoundland And Labrador Region) Multi-Species RV Bottom Trawl Survey with notes on Comparative Fishing
SCR Doc. 23/043 N7435 RA Rademeyer and DS Butterworth SCAA Base Case Operating Model and Robustness tests for Greenland Halibut
SCR Doc. 23/044 N7437 RA Rademeyer and DS Butterworth Results for the Greenland Halibut Candidate Management Procedure Trials for the Final SCAA Reference Set Trials
SCR Doc. 23/045 N7443 Burmeister and Buch The West Greenland trawl survey for Pandalus borealis, 2023, with reference to earlier results
SCR Doc. 23/046 N7444 Burmeister and Buch

The Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off West Greenland, 1970–2023

SCR Doc. 23/047 N7445 Burmeister

Catch Table Update for the West Greenland Shrimp Fishery

SCR Doc. 23/048 N7446 Burmeister and Buch A Provisional Assessment of the Shrimp Stock off West Greenland in 2023
SCR Doc. 23/049 N7447 Buch and Burmeister

Results of the Greenland Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) Off East Greenland (ICES Subarea XIV b), 2008-2023

SCR Doc. 23/050 N7448 Buch and Burmeister

The Fishery for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Denmark Strait / off East Greenland 1978 – 2023.

SCR Doc. 23/051 N7449 Buch and Burmeister

Applying a stochastic surplus production model (SPiCT) to the East Greenland Stock of Northern Shrimp

SCR Doc. 23/052 N7452 J. M. Casas and R. Manuel

Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) on Flemish Cap Surveys 2023

SCR Doc. 23/053 N7453

J.M. Casas Sánchez

Division 3M Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) – Interim Monitoring Update

SCR Doc. 23/054 N7454 J.M. Casas, E. Román-Marcote and M. Álvarez

Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Krøyer) from EU-Spain Bottom Trawl Survey 2023 in NAFO Div. 3LNO

SCR Doc. 23/055 N7485 Abalo-Morla, S., Neves, B.M., Hayes, V., Sacau, M., Command, R.J., Durán-Muñoz, P.

New preliminary data on VME encounters in NAFO Regulatory Area (Divs. 3LMNO) from EU; EU-Spain and Portugal Groundfish Surveys (2023) and Canadian surveys (Fall 2022 & Spring 2023).

SCR Doc. 23/056 N7486

Garrido, I., Durán-Muñoz, P., Baldó, F., González-Costas, F., and González-Troncoso, D.

Update on the analysis of VMS and Logbook data to study the bottom fishing footprint in the NAFO Regulatory Area: NEREIDA project



Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538

